The time has come.
I don’t care if there’s another 50 threads of the same name and idea.
Any ability with little to no counterplay deserves complete pruning. People can’t have a trinket for both Duel and Smoke bomb. Name one other spec with this amount of abilities that fit into the “little to no counterplay” category.
Dying because your team doesn’t have a Disc priest barrier and infinite trinkets is not a skill issue.
Yup, Delete warlock and give DH all their skills as class abilities.
They already gave you guys our meta which you didnt deserve typical ungrateful dh… tisk tisk
Inb4 the rogues come in here saying that they need it because they have to cheap shot three times for a kill post nerf instead of one
I play Warrior DH Blood and Druid, i am just enjoying DH the most atm.
Signed. Also fine if you reduce damage done by 30% or can only use above 70% health on target and it breaks if you do more than 50% of target’s health in damage
Do hunters still have that cov ability that allows them to shoot through LOS and defensives>? Forget what it was called annoying though
Um, win the duel. The mentality should be “I’m not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here without th me.
Honestly surprised this ability wasn’t removed, or at least prevented from being used in arena (like shroud was), when they did some revamp of PvP talents recently
I wonder how good the op would be at the game if he spent even a quarter of the time trying to get better then whining on the forums? 
Just kill the Rogue on the duel?
With how much DH is pumping right now you should have no issues.
Any of the people complaining about rogue actually played rogue ?
And how does one win against the rogue in a duel while stuck in a stunlock?
Save your trinket for the duel?
If the Rogue is dueling you, 90% of the time is because he wants to burst you down and is going to use Shadow Blades to do it. Trinketing and immediately using a defensive is a great trade