Petition for Balance Druid to have MoP Force of Nature

I’ve now said it for years and now it’s time to say it again. MoP Force of nature for balance druids, with its 30 second CD, ability to root, and treants casting wrath at an enemy is what we need for our hero talent Keeper of the Grove to feel right. Maybe make some changes, but the rooting and wrath is a must. Even if each treant is on a min long CD, it would still be better than what we have.

Looking to see a lot of druids in here agree with this to hopefully have blizzard make the change back.


I love the treants but I also hate them. I hate how so much revolves around them yet they’re just there existing. They dont really do anything.

I said it in beta and I’ll say it here,

Force of Nature should summon 3 Treants that spawn around you, think mages mirror image, so no placement needed, they are ranged and cast Wrath.

Can make it more interesting with 1/3 Treants are a Keeper of the Grove that does extra damage and will shoot Starsurge instead. (We need the extra dps).

But yeah I dislike how are Force of Nature is currently with a passion.

They did. Each treant (3 total) had a 30 second CD, would root your target, then add damage for you. You had control over who it rooted and who the damage was applied to. This allowed for team utility, peeling for your teammates while offering utility for yourself to kite. it was fantastic.

We dont need more damage. I’ve 100-0 people in arenas when being left alone. Balance druid talents being a majority of niche buffs depending on RNG and random mechanics is for another post though. But having to toggle FoN is an extra mechanic that we do not need and they offer melee damage that can be easily kited. With MoP FoN, they would have to LOS but thats harder then kiting, especially when that target is rooted.

I mainly want MoP Force of Nature for the roots. The extra damage is just a nice addition. But it would allow for Balance druids to make more plays.

bring back mop mushrooms so i can fly to them