Flight form needs to be separate from the normal mount riding style chosen. Otherwise it’s completely broken as the tool it was meant to be.
Travel forms should not exist within one button. I don’t need to go into flight form when I want travel form.
There are things that work such as the transition from water to land but otherwise travel form and function are not pleasant at all in this configuration.
while i question making a petition style post asking for 2 different things (it confuses the ask)
/sign for Flight Form having a separate flight style selector to whatever you pick for mounts.
as for the other issue of travel vs flight form, i haven’t encountered anything new with the prepatch (tho, i haven’t played much) it feels about the same to me, but perhaps i’m missing something
YES!! Not only that, try taking a swim in flight form! >:( We can never escape the water now. WE DROWN!!
I really like the idea to be able to skyride with the flight form, but it honestly needs to be seperate spell. Allow us to choose or customize how our flight form operates seperate from mounts please.
I came here to see if there was any way out of this. Are they making us married to dragon riding in flight form with no way to get old flight form back? Are there any old flying method mounts?
Thank you.
This is a classic case of change for its own sake backfiring.
The forms should indeed be separable, at least as an option.
Plus, if we’re going to use Skyriding for ‘flight form’, it should 100% be a faster toggle, or at least separate.
Visually, I wish that all the birds/bats/etc. would perch and run like the owls if Skyriding is toggled on. Hovering over the ground like that while feeling “grounded” is quite ridiculous.
Flight form should either have its previous format or have a toggle button to activate/deactivate Skyriding. The way it is now feels like an unique class mechanic has been broken for the sake of fitting in.

(extra letters because they make me)
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I was expecting either separate spells like stag vs travel form, or for dragonflying to require a double jump to activate or something.
Current implementation is horrendous, and I would almost rather flight from be removed from dragonflying entirely.
I assume it was an intentional change though, I’m sure druids in flight form completely nullifying time waster world quests by grabbing items in flight form could not have been good for their time wasting metrics.
i agree this new setup is awkward as hell. i don’t like the way flight form feels in skyriding mode at all, it should just stay in steady flight all the time. also an extra issue caused by the removal of separate spells for travel form, flight form, aquatic form is that you can no longer apply or remove glyph of the aerial or aquatic chameleon. i am stuck with aerial chameleon and all the flight forms except the new somnowl forms have no walking animation. It looks just terrible when youre grounded in skyriding mode in a form with now walking animation. please please fix this blizzard
Agreed, it’s annoying to have to switch it every time I want to engage in travel form as normal. Just give us separate toggles for travel/flight and do the same for evokers so they can use soar like a travel mode without having to swap every time
The dracthyr soar adapts for the type of flying you are toggled. The animation is hilarious btw. “I’m going UUUUUP… no wait I’m not”
While I understand why druids do not like the change to flight form this has been a change that had needed to happen for the health of game for at least 13 years.
I hope they do not change it back.
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Absolutely! Needs a second toggle asap.
The other isn’t brand new but a problem that’s been compounded with the flight changes.
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The reason we can’t escape the water is because Skyward Ascent is on the global cooldown. So Flight form triggers a global cooldown, and we have to wait 2 seconds to take off. This is just enough time that we fall back into the water and turn into aquatic form.
The weird part is that I reported this on the beta forums and it got a lot of likes, and blizzard removed Skyward AScent off the global cooldown and fixed it. It’s still fixed on the beta, but for some reason on live it’s not? Maybe it will come in a later update?
Add me to the list that does not like this change… worst thing to happen to druids in a decade (when they seperated the feral spec)
This change is terrible. The fluid change into flight form was the most amazing things about druid and made it my favorite class. I hate this change so much. I just came back to wow mid Dragonflight and between this and the tanking nerf I am reconsidering.
I know there is a lot of hyperbole thrown around these forums, but this change will probably make me quit. I’ve been playing this game, and this druid, since the beginning, and this dulling of druid mobility just feels bad, incredibly bad; not-fun bad.
Switching in to flight form (because you can’t chose which travel form) only to find that you are out of stamina (because the only way to fly in flight form is to use stamina) feels incredibly bad. The fact that I have to wait for the GCD from shifting before I can take flight feels incredibly bad. I don’t know what the solution is, but a 5 second cast isn’t it.
This doesn’t feel like the druid I’ve been playing for the past 20 years. The versatility and mobility of this class is why I play it. And with out that, I don’t want to play this class; I don’t want to play this character that’s been apart of my life for so long, I just don’t want to play at all.
yeah, it’s probably a skill issue and this game isn’t for me anymore, what’s 5 seconds anyways? At least I can skyride on all my dragons now, and not just some of them.
… Some of this probably comes from enjoying the cracked-out mobility of WoW Remix. I was going to have a hard time going back to retail without a max speed heroic-leaping bear and a turbo-crane meta gem anyways.