Petition against the Abuse of the Report System and of Blizzard's Lack of Care incapabilty to do their jobs

thats ridiculous. its 100% not disruptive as its part of the game. If blizzard wanted pvp to not include the plague they should have add a single healer to the bg… THIS is abuse of the report system…

You can be banned in HOTS with the auto ban system. Funny part is they continuously send a survey in game asking how you feel about the reporting system.

I’m on my 5th behaviour warning now lmao. As far as I can tell nothing I’ve said in DMs or public chats has broken ToS so I have no idea what sort of positive reports people could send about me, unless (like the leading theory) there’s no GM team and it’s just an AI that punishes anyone with X amount of reports

I got suspended for a week a month ago for linking a Chinese copypasta in an AV. It’s ridiculous

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My reply to being suspended was “well you could boost on your other account and keep playing”… Not exactly but basically what I was told.

I made a thread about it and they immediately took it down.

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No they aren’t. A human doesn’t look at any of those reports. They automatic silence you if there are enough reports. Things being the way they are, it will take longer to get your ticket reviewed than the silence lasts.

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Lol, this might be one of the shilliest things I’ve seen on here. This is actually a propaganda post.


blizz is a little too zealous with this stuff

I got a ‘language warning’ with no note of what i said…


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Agreed, I honestly believe either some blizzard employees have “hidden shopper” accounts they use to spread propaganda on the forums, or they have “community advocates” they ask to promote certain agendas or decisions.

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It’s automated. You can say “LFG VH hc” and if enough people report you, you will be silenced.

The automation is the problem.

Auto report never works as intended in any game, depends of the good will of the game community…
Well, the joke tells itself.
I love wow [classic] but I’m not gonna lie, this game community is the worst.

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Conspiracy theories and tin foil hats are no substitute for reading before agreeing to abide by the EULA/ToS. Take your concerns to the Customer Support forum and an actual Blizzard poster (not me) will explain to you how their system works. Or not and continue to flail.

Most of us have played wow and dealt with blizzard for 15-20 years, we dont need someone to explain that Blizz is just not a good company and doesnt take care of their business anymore. And the Community of Todays WoW, is almost nothing like it once was, WoW is now known as the most Toxic MMO out there.

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signed blizzard fail

Blizzard Strikes again, 6 day ban for LOL this druid is a liar and a maniulpuatlor, Heres what happened, Me and my guidl run HH, 4 dudes, need 1 dps, have a couple lowbies, we get there, 3 clear HH no probems, and then whe nwe done she startes trashing us for bringing low levels,

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