Petition against the Abuse of the Report System and of Blizzard's Lack of Care incapabilty to do their jobs

The amount of suspension and Bans in this age of WoW is ridiculious, you have peopel getting suspendede for saing " Heal me" becaues they got mass reported by people, you have people wiht 15 year old accounts getting perma banned for no reasons other than a grou people reported them. We need to show blizz we are fed up with this lazyness and they need to start punishing peopel who 1. Dont use the mature language filter and 2. Report people for no reason, who are truthfulyl innocent. This was not a problem 10 years ago, this is a recent problem in Classic and Retail, and I for one, am tired of seeing it, and I may get backlash for this, but it goes on Record, that someone said aomething about it , and I know theres plenty of people who will back me up. At lesat those who got banned and made new accounts the hundrds if not thousands who got banned cannot post on the forum.


I got suspended for 7 days because I exploded as a ghoul on top of my AV teammates. They mass reported me and I got suspended. I appealed it and the GM told me basicly I was being disruptive and had to serve the full suspension, which I did. I have been playing since 2006 and first time I have ever been punished. Was worth tho, hilarious watching the entire AV starting cave be ghouls…haha. Id do it again in a heartbeat. You can suspend me for 7 days but those memories I created will last a life time.


Its almost as if, someone has two buttons to do his job, Ban and No BAN, and he pressed Ban on everyone at exactly 4 30 am


The issue isn’t the report system. IF these people are actually getting suspensions for “nothing” then the problem is no confirmation of the alleged offense.

If a player literally just says “heal me” and is mass reported that is easily seen as the case and the “mass” number of reporting accounts should be hit for abuse of the report system.

What the actual data/system on Blizzard’s side is… I have no idea. If the abuse is as bad as people on the forums seem to believe… some suspensions for abusing the report function would certainly send a message.

Yet again the report function isn’t the problem.

As to the mature language filter… I’m not sure how so many players don’t know how that works. NO I don’t mean people not using it. Going all the way back to the 1990’s in MMO’s like Ultima Online. Any language filter was a short term ability for a player to remove profane chat. How do I know this? Well oddly I worked the support system in Ultima Online and later joined the Interest Team because support sucks (dealing with customers).

So how it’s always worked… is you can be reported and actioned for profane langauge. Yet oddly after this being the case for decades players still think the filter exists so they can spam profanity. It’s not that difficult to not type certain things. Personally I shut off the global channels regardless due to the sheer volume of toxic spam of every kind that is just begging to be actioned.

I don’t care about people F bombing in guild chat because who cares… but in global channels you’re just asking for it.

As to a response I saw just pop up. Well yes you get a 7 day suspension for ghoul bombing in a BG… if you look at the report options you could likely figure out that would happen due to how the various options are worded. The fact that this happened simply due to an event Blizzard decided to run is unfortunate.

Also as people mention in this “day and age”… well yes I see how things are changing and I don’t agree with a lot of it. I don’t communicate with people in game unless we are temp teaming for a quest or in guild. Then I keep it basic… of course it destroys community you know that thing which is why people can’t have a dungeon finder. I don’t talk because I don’t want a suspension thus no community. Of course in the guild I’m in… everything is great so all the more reason to find a good guild.

The Mature Language Filter is default turned on on every character newly made, someone has to intentionally turn it off. That being siad no one should be getting banned for anything short of cheating, or extreme racism bullying, or filling chat with cuss words and filthy language.

signed won’t do anything but may as well make the forums see it

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In classic the devs said killing players rezzing in the cave was griefing, so they reworked honor in AV. Not sure when gy camping became “griefing” but this dev team is so freaking out of touch.


Thank you, its what needs to be done. If a big enough outcry is heard they will have to at least consider taking action.

chad energy


I don’t think this is true. I never have to turn my filter off on any of my characters. Pretty sure the setting is saved account wide.

The point is its there and by default is on. Peopel get harrassed bullying slandered into and mass reported into getting undeserved punishments due to blizzard’s lack of control.

let’s take a wayback trip to 2006

a reminder of the in game code of conduct that covers not just language

perhaps due to rl events blizzard is going to be more energetic about enforcing that code of conduct
follow it and you don’t run afoul of the report system

also big ups to kitechuround with the ghoul bomb
i would not have reported you as i would be too busying laughing and enjoying the spectacle that comes with that short-term special event

I have made appeals on my own account to see that saying this “Greetings, I have Returned” as one of the things on my list to get banned for.So clearly its an automatic system, and blizzard is failing as a company and wont last another 20 years. But thats personal opinion, nothing to do with this. Automatic, undeserving uncorrected. Not to even mention their Customer Support, that almost but not quite doesn;t exist, there is perhaps 2 Game Masters who take their job seriously, the others do nothing. The ones who are in fact, doing their job, will investigate your report and give subjudication. These automatic copy paste responces of " Your liable for everything even tho you pay money and devote your practical life to this means nothing and you broke “OUR” Rules. wich were not b roken by any standard but the one whos personal subjectivety had to deal with it, even if its just some lazy dude who thinks he gets paid for nothing…

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I got 14 days for telling an AFK boosted guy that he was probably a fat basement dweller irl :d


The woke crazies reading the reports is the issue atm. You can 100% read into it from the replies you get.


Exactly/ The very same problem. Shaking My Head

I’m assuming you mean here adjudication (a formal judgement on a disputed matter).
Players report and those reports are reviewed. If there is no validity to the reports and no violation occurred then Blizzard takes no further action.

If you were contacted about the violation then you were given the opportunity to appeal which will again have an individual look over the evidence. Not sure if you have brought up your concerns with a denied appeal in the Customer Support forum. There are Blizzard support agents that moderate that forum and have the ability to look into what has gone down.

You agree to the terms of use when you sign up/activate an account.

Paying a subscription fee doesn’t absolve you from following the EULA/ToS that you had to agree to in order to play the game. Blizzard laid out the rules and you agreed to their enforcement when you created your account. Did you read them?

WTS Spellcheck

Everytime some post like this comes up I can’t help but read how the person types out their message and you can probably make an assumption that they said something bad like 99% of the time.

You should look at all the crazy blue hair replies people have gotten from them, and posted screen grabs on reddit.