Petition against Honor Reset Wow Classic Vanilla

Server politics is exactly what an MMORPG needs. Of course you Einsteins who failed to copy your characters defend a free rank 14 handout now to catch up.

An MMORPG needs drama and player freedom. WoW Classic is special because it has a War Effort that can be halted, because it has a PvP system that goes to the extreme.

And theres always a solution to avoid being taken captive in the PvP system: simply do more honor than anyone else. If you succeed you earn your rewards, if you dont you dont.

Who should get the next bracket spot? Either be social and sort it among yourselves, or let whoever does most claim it. That is why its interesting.

You people dont want an interesting game anymore. You wanna come home from work and get everything in the game handed out.

You were warned 3 months ago.

This is very misleadingā€¦

The pvp grind is as easy or as had as the mob dictates. If the mob says the cap is 250K, then its trivial easy, if the mob says its 1.25million you have to play every day.

You either donā€™t know this, or arenā€™t willing to admit to how the system works, but I just figured Iā€™d put this out so players know the truth.,

Fact is, the new system isnā€™t all that different, it just eliminates block passing and racketeering.


I think that dude is so privileged, he doesnt know what a ā€œfree handoutā€ is.


You realize that rank 14 actually was ā€œfreeā€ for about 1.5 years on classic era, during SoM and for a couple of months after? Low participation meant you could get rank 14 on a dead cluster with a few accounts to boost the pool and under 100k honor/week.

With this new system, rank 14 will never be free. The top spot will always require 750K honor, even if the servers have low participation.


This. The system is server and faction dependent so in an extreme case actively doing Battlegrounds at all puts the player in the higher brackets. This happened in Vanilla too on back water realms.

The main reason I want this change is to get people interested in doing BGs at all levels and more actively than they do now. In my time playing it is a first for me that there are no BGs going for lower levels and only the weekend BG for 60s.

When I look around in Org there are already a ton of people who got R14. It isnā€™t the super special achievement it once was. A change is good

LOL I never heard neet until now, I am going to add that to my arsenal of insults.

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I donā€™t play this game for drama, nor do I play it to make friends or socialize. If I do make new friends thatā€™s a bonus and adds to the game. What does suck is players like you that gatekeep people from having things. Everyone in this game is entitled to the content blizzard provides, you see unlike real life this is a game we pay for. Some people are incapable of experiencing all of the content due to time restraints or disability etc. They are just as entitled to experience content even if blizzard has to nerf or make certain aspects of the game more accessible. Anyway, the old PVP system is toxic trash and breeds the most horrible of people to deal with. Itā€™s nice to know I can log in play a bit and over long enough time scale I will have some nice shiny purple stuff. I might even level a second even 3rd character and do it all over again. I am really sorry your life is so bad guy, maybe you should get some exercise, play some sports maybe find a girlfriend, or most importantly work on a career. Being an incel is no way to live.