Petition against Honor Reset Wow Classic Vanilla

I dont think you know what the word “objectively” means

I found this part interesting too. Some people don’t seem to care much about it. I think that MMOs having this “working with and against other people” is a key aspect to making them more fun. I don’t really understand people who are like “This doesn’t matter at all”, especially if they deflect to the “you just are about gear, oh and by the way, your real life sucks” attack when what you said was not that at all. It’s like a complete lack of being able to understand what was actually being said. To me I find working with someone who maybe doesn’t understand everything and is adverse and then getting to know them, or even having a common enemy and beating them, is at least 10x more interesting than some piece of gear (oh and I’m mostly salty about this guy that went totally at me who doesn’t even post on this forum, but you see it here too)

Anyway, Blizzard didn’t care what we have to say. They were going to change it to this regardless of feedback. I think it’s a positive that most people like this change and are happy.

So i never did this grind but say you had x people who could all play for the same amount of time every day, all started ranking at the same time, etc. Lets say x people exceeds the amount of people that can earn the highest standing or whatever each week. Who decides who gets the top spots?

pvp changes are great!!! awarding players with highest rank achieved would be perfect though

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sooooo, id like to point out it will still take way longer than any tier set.

How so? The pvp community in Era is microscopic when contrast to the gross number of Era players. If anything this may bring in more players and in turn more friendships than before.

Would not call paying a racketeering fee just so the present R14 will release the bracket a good system,

Really its the devs that did this… They got lazy, but the PvP system is really bad, like utterly terrible.

Thanks for asking! On good servers that did this well it was based on a persons rank points (there was always a difference in that), what rank a person wanted, and how many weeks that would take. Then you would assign a person a bracket slot (BR) with a set number to reach. It was based on those numbers and not on favorites.

We’d slot BR1, BR2, and to a lesser extent BR3. A R13 had to get BR1 to rank quickly. A R8 getting BR1 didn’t help them all that much. If they asked we’d give them BR3 and show them a website. Everyone was invited to the servers PVP discord. We’d also try to “pool boost” as many spots as we could so more people could get slotted in.

The BR cap numbers could have been set very low, like 200k low, but they had to be set above what typical people who PVP a lot for fun would get because you didn’t want to whisper people just enjoying themselves, who didn’t even care about ranking but just fun.

The goal was to get people in and out with their rank goal. You had to explain how things worked to a lot of people. If you were nice 95% of people would be nice back. Most people wanted to be part of the PVP community and most people were great to work with. Having people skills was a massive part of this all being successful because if you couldn’t communicate with people they’d be more likely to not want to work with you.

People could get BR1 early if they wanted to pool boost an extra 330 spots, that’s what some people meant when they said talked about buying slots. I never had to because I waited.

Yes, there was a list, and yes there was a “mafia” aka a PVP MMO community. I don’t see either of these things as bad. I think that people being part of a community and working together is absolutely awesome for an MMO, and I’ve found that a quality PVP community is lacking in tbcc and beyond and I’m not a fan of that. My main concerns expressed about the new system are based on the potential of having a bad PVP community in all versions of WoW, because to me it’s about a good community >>>>>> all.

I do know that some servers didn’t run like a machine and there were some rude people on both sides but normal-minded people wouldn’t hate a well-run system, especially one with low caps.

I would explain more but I’m already always way too wordy, LOL.


Was this actually happening in Era or was it run more like what I described above in my long post?

Why would a R14 hold a spot?

I’m kind of out of the Era loop admittedly, but I’ve found that a lot of the time when people say this stuff they don’t really understand the details.

I think with premades and the like people can still make friends with this new system but I am a little concerned with the PVP community not being as good. When I look into things like arenas I see a lot of people with amazing arenas skills but VERY poor people skills to where I want nothing to do with them because as people they are just total arrogant jerks and I won’t associate with that. IMO both game and people skills should matter in an MMO the same, and with things like being in a good guild/raid group they can because really nasty people often get booted there, but I haven’t seen this so much with PVP.

The fact that people could screw other people over is what made it an interesting system. The social dynamics and rivalries or friendships over bracket spots is exactly what a social MMORPG needs. This drama has always made the game special.

The fact that someone can get rank 14, then continue grinding more honor than everyone else to lock others out of the rank is hilarious.

All these possibilities to be screwed over is what made having the gear special for the people who endured, and they deserved it after that. Again, im not biased because i never did it.

You people arguing for the new system dont even understand what a good game is anymore. MMORPG players literally have this mentality nowadays that they are entitled to get everything. No youre not and you never were.

I tell you what it stems from. The majority of players CHOOSE to throw their lives away at jobs they hate. Thats why the little time they have to play has to be enough to obtain everything they want. Thats why they keep ruining games.

And Blizzard listens to these crybullies. Thats why we have chronoboons, layers and free rank 14 handouts now. “The new PvP system is competing against yourself” nice… i always wanted to play ball or chess against myself. How exciting.

Thank you guys for destroying a once social and fun MMORPG.

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Stay mad lol

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Allegedly. Knowing how the system works, its 100% possible, and the source is credible. Allegedly the gold demands of the individual who will not be named bordered on the absurd; just for him to step aside for a week.

As someone who use to “work for the man” and then got lucky; there was no “choice” in working like a slave at a horrible job.

Interesting. Yeah, I can see why people would be happy about the system changing if this has been the case especially. Well, on top of the typical reasons that people say over and over.

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why are you only now posting about something we knew coming MONTHS ago?

That’s why the bracket mafia had to blackball people that were pulling more HPH than the people that paid the mafia for bracket positions.

We know what was going on. I have the bottled bracket mafia tears stored away in the fridge for keepsakes.


You sure have strong feelings about a system you were never actually a part of because youre too casual. Drama queen andies out here defending a system that should have been scrapped years ago.

Pool boosting and politics. Keep em out of my game please. Last time i checked, the game was PVP, not sending money to people for a better spot or some other nonsense. Now you can just play the game.

Good riddance. And thank you for your continued support of the game of course.

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Its not just that. Its the server pvp discord groups that dont want to lose their power of who can and cant get into the top brackets, who can and cant join premades etc.

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Jesus dude lmao.

Two words come to mind.

Shut. Up.

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I won’t comment on the rest but not a lot changes on the premade front. If you lack the ability to work well with a team (which frankly if anyone who was “banned” probably has extremely poor social skills and thinks that being able to kill stragglers in mid is the best way to show their “elite skills off” because it gets their kill counter up and they get more honor :face_vomiting:) you will still be kicked from decent premades. That’s the only case where it would matter for that because premades could otherwise almost always pick and choose who they wanted to take.

Yeah, I am sorry brother. I have a family and enjoy WoW pvp. This has been my only complaint about Vanilla WoW was the structure of the PvP system. I want r14 to be a long grind but not something I am punished by decaying my entire rank because I have to take a week break.

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That signature gonna be shared with 10k other people soon.