Petition against Honor Reset Wow Classic Vanilla

Dear Blizzard:

The following is a petition to halt implementation of honor reset for pvp players who are enjoying their progress as-is. The impending changes may or may not be an improvement to the game, but resetting players current ranking progress is entirely unnecessary. We, the pvp players, view a complete wipe of progress as calloused, inconsiderate, and completely lazy approach to fixing whatever problem your company has identified with the honor system.

As players who oppose the implementation of your changes to the honor system with a complete reset of current players rank progress, we stand in solidarity by commenting below with our signatures against this action without preserving ranks in their current state.

Thank you.


High Warlord Rasmuris

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That’s a no for me. Find another way to create your WOW mafia.


Are you trying to use reverse psychology on blizzard?

Thats a hard “NO” for me. They couldnt make these pvp changes fast enough.


I firmly believe opposition to Blizzards pvp change are upset people will obtain gear and level the playing field.

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Nah, I dont think thats it. I think GDKPs are sweating that more people will pvp instead of pve. Boohoo… but, we will see less MC/BWL/ZG/AQ20. You mean less GDKPs! People will ALWAYS run MC/BWL and ZG for idols.

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Simply put: don’t reset my rank. Make the change and keep my current rank where it is. For anyone who needs clarity and simplification.


It is kinda weird that they are reseting ranks. I wouldn’t have had a problem if they didnt touch current ranking and gave r14 their titles.


You mean YOU not “we”


Youve already got all the rewards from being rank 14 and you aren’t losing them, its a non issue

Unless you were some kind of psychopath that was staying in bracket 1 every week even after already being rank 14 you weren’t keeping that pointless title anyway

I’ve typed out a lot of my thoughts regarding this change and could easily type paragraphs again but even so, Blizzard gave the most warning I’ve ever seen them give for anything.

There is no way people in the PVP community didn’t know about this, even those who don’t go to the forums should have known by word of mouth. If you’re surprised now that this is happening after getting 12 weeks of warning I don’t know what to say.

Edit: More people should have complained about the rank displayed thing they cared. I suggested someone who was upset make a thread but it didn’t get traction so i doubt Blizzard even noticed and at that point, really, what can you do? Here’s the thread he made: (We should keep our titles) In reguards to Classic Era 1.14.4 PvP Update (Rank 14s perspective) - In Development / Classic Era 1.14.4 PTR - World of Warcraft Forums (


Blizzard: we have found a way to make you progress in classic pvp without the need to become a neet.



They already know our max rank, they could simply reset, then award max lifetime rank, not a complex problem

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As a fellow paying customer, I would like to point out that maybe some, or perhaps just one player, would prefer above all else #nochanges. I mean, that was kinda the original position on the relaunch of classic. It should stay that way. It doesn’t matter how long of a notice was given, and for the record I was aware of the change this whole time. Doesn’t mean I have agreed with it happening. There is a place for changes and new ideas, go play retail if that’s your thing. Leave classic a closed canon.

The current rank 14 grind is unhealthy. It was always unhealthy. It rewarded unhealthy gameplay habits. It rewarded punitive social engineering and mob-bullying tactics. It GREATLY rewarded account sharing.

Nobody missed it when TBC launched. The only people who are complaining now are the people who were next in line for rank 1.


Poor guy isn’t gonna feel special wearing his terribly itemized shaman rank 14 gear in org anymore


I can agree with this. I find it oxymoronic that they would implement a system designed to prevent rank demotion by demoting everyone .-.

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I’m not sure why you decided to reply to me and make those comments so I’ll just make some points to you:

  1. I personally don’t think that Era should change, and I think that changes to it have unintended consequences, my initial reactions to this announcement revolved around that.
  2. This change does not motivate me to rank a toon on Era. I’m not salivating over it like some people very much are. If I had just wanted to do that there were easy ways to in Era before that didn’t take a lot of time, and I’m intelligent enough to know about them.
  3. I do plan to rank again in seasons where I expect a similar system, which I’m totally ok with because seasons are about changes, and I expect that to be a lot of fun because imo fresh starts are fun for PVP.
  4. I strongly disagree with people who attack others real lives who have ranked and wish they’d stop doing it, but that probably won’t happen. Some people are stubborn and attacking others over some bizarre jealousy makes them feel better about themselves, maybe one day they’ll grow up and just be kind people, but probably not.
  5. Blizzard made a post telling people to stop ranking soon in May so that rankers could finish up. They said 8-12 weeks and it’s for 12. I do respect the advanced notice. They have made changes with little announcement before so their doing so here was a massive improvement.
  6. Blizzard changes what they want to change. There are things I strongly haven’t liked and those things have led to my total dissatisfaction with the environment and player base of Wrath to where I quit before I really wanted to. I post all the time on the forums too, it never matters. Accept it or quit is basically always the case.
  7. Why did you not start posting comments and threads with your disapproval earlier?
  8. The approval rating of this change is like 95% in favor and probably the highest of any change I’ve seen. If the player base really wants it that bad then I personally accept it with a caveat that I hope it doesn’t lead to unintended consequences, but even if it does then it is how it is.
  9. I hope that you enjoyed your journey to High Warlord and that the memories were worth it for you. I did it for the team play and competition against other teams, for the social aspects including the crazy parts, and for the memories. This change doesn’t take away from any of that.

I hope that explains some things. For the record, I’m ok with people basically making threads saying anything they want to. Just realize that Blizzard always does what they want to do.


It actually makes no sense to reset the player’s current ranks though. Like literally no reason to do it.


I REALLY didn’t like the BGs in TBCC. They were bad like really, really, really, REALLY bad. Full of some of the laziest, rude, arrogant, and scummy non-team players out there. I quit doing them in TBCC because the easy gear was not worth it, just like I don’t spend my time dumpster diving for “treasures” at the garbage dump. This change in the player base, although it wasn’t a change quite like this and so I don’t think the same will necessarily happen here, was primarily about PVP gear being so easy to get because it moved to a quick-to-get currency. So I strongly disagree with you on this one and wanted to say it. Plus if people want dumpster fire battlegrounds, Wrath is still there to “enjoy”.

Slightly less bad in terms of PvP than Retail. Retail is giga-trash.

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Exactly. That is a reason to be upset. The cool PvP gear was a reward for torturing yourself, now its a free handout and the game is way more antisocial at the same time. And you cant call me biased, because i never chose to do the r14 grind.

The PvP changes objectively make the game worse and more antisocial.

Not only did you have to endure, you also had to work with or against other people to achieve rank 14. Thats literally what made it all interesting.

People like you Grune are the reason Classic has been butchered with Chronoboons, Layers and now this garbage. Token to come soon im sure. Thanks alot Einstein.

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