"Petey's One Button Warrior Macro" - Official Thread

Hello Classic WoW community!

It is I, Petey from Netherwind US server. Today I bring you a macro i have created for all Warriors across Azeroth.

From this day forward we Warriors will have an easier time farming and killing things mindlessly, with the invention of the new “Petey’s One Button Warrior Macro”

The macro was designed to do what the name implies, to allow you to spam 1 button as a fury warrior to mindlessly kill stuff, for purposes of farming and other lazy mob killing/dps.

Here it is:

#showtooltip Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=1 Bloodthirst, Whirlwind
/cast Execute
/cast Bloodrage

Here is my “Switch to Battle Stance > Charge > Back to Berserker Stance Macro” as well (needs to be on the same keybind in both berserker and battle stances, needs to be pressed 3 times to work)

#showtooltip Charge
/castsequence reset=1 Battle Stance, Charge, Berserker Stance

In closing I would like to say I am open to suggestions and or improvements of any of these macros. I found it to worked quite well for mindless farming, and questing/killing.

Thanks everyone! If you liked the macro and use it and want to say thanks just drop me a follow over on my twitch channel at: Petey Rossi on Twitch!

Thanks Classic Community!
Petey of Netherwind


does it actually work?

I challenge all warriors to test it out. It works!

This feels like a massive DPS loss, but I guess if the point is to not play the game, and then do that poorly, this macro is fine.

Even with this set up though, I would still advise taking execute off. By the time you’re in Execute phase, the only button you should be touching is Execute (assuming you’re not Heroic Strike queuing for off-hand hit boost).

As for the charge macro, the one I use simply uses a stance and combat conditionals. Something like:

#showtooltip [combat] Intercept; [nocombat] Charge
/cast [stance:2/3,nocombat] Battle Stance; Charge
/cast [stance:1/2,combat] Berserker Stance; Intercept

As for the main attack loop, if you really want to make people’s lives easier, it would be helpful to figure out a way to automate the heroic strike queuing trick:

#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/cast Heroic Strike