Any alchemist that has guaranteed R3 Petal Power, what proffession talent would points need to be put into Alchemy? By the time I review this for responses here is what I plan to do (and will update yay or nay):
I currently still have Mycobloom Lore (Alchemical Mastery) sitting at 0 points invested. I will be sacrificing a point tomorrow to see if that resolves the 37 skill levels I am missing to max craft this amazing reagent.
I have looked all over, and have not found anything about what proffession talents are required, nor whether you CAN max craft it or not, so here I am with this post. Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I have confirmed that Petal Power requires Mycobloom and Arathi Spear investment in Alchemical Mastery to give it a guaranteed R3 rank. You will still need R3 mats, but it is completely doable.