Pet XP required to level increased?

Pre-10.0, it took 12 of the normal Battle Training Stones to get a pet from brand new level 1 to 25. Now it takes 15 stones. Is this intended?


It’s broken. Starting around pet level 12, is only going up 1 level when the 2,000 XP from the stone should bump it up 2 levels. I’m posting a bug report but not really hoping for a fast fix.

That is not intended. We’re looking into it.

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention.


This is a bug that was reported on Alpha/Beta and the Warcraftpets Discord has documented it pretty in depth.

From what I recall, the issue is:

The XP Stones will only grant EXP if the remaining EXP will grant a level. For instance, if you use a 2000 exp stone, and it gains 5 levels, but would have 200 exp leftover, it should grant that exp like in the past. But it doesn’t.

However, as a caveat to this, the pet still store the exp gained. So the game still understands that 200 extra exp still exists. EDIT: Lazey corrected me, it is actually storing the full amount of the stone, not just the leftover - which grossly inflates how much the stones are worth if you do a battle.

It just won’t give it to you until you do a pet battle and gain exp from a non-stone source. So if you throw stones at a pet until level 17, then do a battle like Squirt, your pet will go from 17 to 25, as it also consumes the “stored” exp.

For those wanting a workaround until it’s fixed (as mentioned above) - which actually costs less stones than before - courtesy of Lazey on Discord:

Use 7 of the 2000 EXP Stones on a Pet to get it to level 17, then do a pet battle with it that gives exp. Your pet will jump to level 25.

I could be wrong, but I’ll link this thread in the discord if Lazey or Grainne wanna jump in and explain better.

EDIT: Here’s a screenshot of the math that was shared, I blacked out the names and pfps in case they don’t want their discord usernames out there. Lol.


I know its off-topic, but can you fix older content scaling or at least tell us why we can’t solo what we could before? It’s especially frustrating to struggle against fights i could solo in 9.2.7. And we got no reply whatsoever about what’s happening or if there’s any fix happening.

One thing I’ve noticed is the pet XP bar’s a bit messed up. It’ll just keep counting XP after the bar’s full. Probably related to this, I’d bet. (Both these pets were given stones to level.)

I’ve noticed that too, Kirbo. Thanks for the detailed explanation, Maizou. And thanks for the confirmation, Kaivax. Thanks all around! :stuck_out_tongue:

Very interesting. I wonder if we’ll get refunded any stones we used that were wasted. I’m guessing not, but oh well. I probably only wasted 9 or 12. Looking forward to a fix.

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