Pet wont take cmds

i cant tell to deffend out atk the cmds jst nt ther is a bug?

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Google, translate this to English


cant read don not reply

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lol yeah Don not reply!


is this how young people (< 15 year olds) type? Is this a symptom of them being stuck on phones and talking on twitter?

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Not sure. I haven’t been having issues sending commands to my pets. The pet tool bar was behind the action bars, and I haven’t logged in since the restart today, so maybe that part is fixed.

If you do feel there is a bug though, you could try posting in the Bug Reports forums to let them know about it. Or if you feel you require some assistance sorting it out for yourself as soon as possible, the Customer Support forums might be the way to go.

If you want help you need to provide more details.
This is needed no matter whether you’re submitting a support ticket, asking on forums, or reporting a bug.

For a start, it should be obvious why these questions are important:

  • What class are you?
  • Do you always have the problem, or does it work sometimes?
  • Do you see your Pet Action Bar?
  • What are you trying to issue the commands? (shortcut key, clicking on pet action buttons, using a macro)

Less obvious, but potentially relevant:

  • What level are you?
  • What kind of pet?
  • What if any addons are you using?
  • Are you mounted?
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Had this issue on Nef last night, felguard charged to nef… then just sat there doing nothing.

Couldn’t call him back, couldn’t manually use abilities, couldn’t make him attack etc.

had to waste time summoning again mid fight to get it to work.

That sounds like it bugged in the terrain.
I’ve seen this happen from time to time with pets an NPCs in all versions of the game.
But it does seem to happen more often in Cataclysm (and Retail for that matter :face_with_monocle:).

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pit attack wtf blizz no cmd btten, so low lol. y no fix? dis no attk. smh

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It looks like you might be referring to the recently introduced bug that’s moved the PetActionBar.
If so, there’s discussion this thread: Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2
It includes some temporary workarounds you could use until blizz :crossed_fingers: gets their act together and fixes it.

You need more badges

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I have the same problem with commands for pet being behind tool bar, I’m sure they’re working on it. Probably be fixed in a couple of days.