Pet won't stay dismissed

“WOW” Pet have dismissed themselves 3 times and I haven’t had a problem for 3days. Whatever they did to try to fix the solution didn’t work. Pets now dismiss themselves and are unable to come back. This is frustrating for the Hunter Class.

Why is it frustrating? Because I have fully trained the class and now I have to repeat hours worth training on a new pet that I never dismissed.

I also tried to remove the DISMISS PET from the bar to see if that was the issue “No luck”

I am enjoying the Hunter class the most, so far. Guess I’ll go back to playing the mage for a bit. :joy:

Wrong bug. This thread is about how, in Retail, hunter and warlock pets would spontaneously reappear after being dismissed.

Your bug is about Classic, about pets releasing themselves and no longer being available.

You want this thread in the Classic Bug Reports Forum, not necroing an unrelated Retail report.