Pet Summon Cast Time

The October 6th hotfixes posted by Blizzard show hunters getting their pet revival cast time reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds. Did they forget about Warlocks here? How does this make sense to change for Hunters but not Warlocks?

“Revives your pet, returning it to life with 100% of its base health.
Cast Time changed from 6 sec cast to 4 sec cast”


Not just here. Everywhere!


This should never have been implemented in the first place I’ve heard hunter pets will be on the same 6 sec cast time but compare the two hunter pets live a hell of a lot longer than warlock pets, I see this as an unnecessary change that no one asked for.


I of course agree it should never have been implemented to begin with. But here we are. Hunters will get a 4 second revival cast on their more robust pets, while warlocks are stuck with a 6 second cast on pets that are squishy, including the blueberry.

Those 2 seconds are going to make a difference, especially in a pvp/arena setting.

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6 sec new pet. 3 sec resummon/revive same pet.


Even 4 secs is still a s**t show for a demo lock. Is there a bigger nerf to a spec anywhere else in SL?


One additional thought, if the demo spec is the master summoning spec, shouldn’t we be better at it, including faster, than the other specs. It would fit our class fantasy if we could instant summon the demon pet, quickly doing swaps with the different pets as the situation required.


Not according to Blizzard. The whole master summoner is mostly bs.

Look at the dps CD through the pet classes. As the master demon spec we have to cast tyrant while destro/affliction/hunters cast theirs instantly.


So the pre-patch use of Fel Domination has opened the door to me potentially change my mind on this. We will see over time how the gameplay feels, but the essentially .5 battle rez for the pet that Fed Domination grants is a cool/fun feature and may negate the overrall negative of the cast time. It will turn on how often the FD CD is used. We will see.

Remember it’s before haste. With decent gear, 4 sec will probably be like 3 seconds before long.

I think ending up with a hasted summon time somewhere between 2.5 and 3 seconds will be a decent place to be, so I think they should make the base whatever allows that in decent gear. Which they should be able to balance for the whole xpac given these bull$%^& stat diminishing returns they’re putting in.

With me having gotten to try fel domination, I’m walking back my negative post for now. The .5 summon time from fel domination is a very effective battle rez for the FG even with melee beating on me with a ton of interrupts. It has a 3 min cd so we will see over time how it feels in game play, ie. how many times its on cd when I need it.

In dungeons, the added summon time and the 3 min cd on fel domination is already a problem. I used to switch between fel hunter and imp in m+ according to situation, now it’s much harder. Also if fel hunter dies due to some instance mechanic (happens a lot in certain dungeons), good luck resummoning.

My wrathguard died a few times in mythic + dungeons during his Demonic Strength. Having the Fel Domination was nice; however, it was not nice when he died again while Fel Domination was still on cooldown. I can’t speak to PvP right now, as I haven’t engaged in any yet, so we’ll see.

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Definitely should be reduced to 4 sec for Warlocks if hunters are getting that too. And would be nice to see pets beefed up a bit so they don’t die so damn easy, especially the voidwalker. I mean the damn thing is suppose to be a tank pet, but dies fast, and doesn’t hold aggro worth a damn.

All this tells me is that it’s exactly as we all predicted. It’s a PvP change which works perfectly fine for PvP, but has the awful side effect of making pets in PvE a horrible burden with Fel Domination being akin to a bandaid on a large gushing wound.

Waste of a change. Fel domination should have been a passive that lowered cast times for our demons. Not an active that takes an action bar and makes our regular demons such a chore to summon.

Agreed. Even in pvp, a smart player will know to destroy your pet first to soften the damage. It’s a terrible change.

Yeah it could do with a second or two off the cast time. Either that or the pets just need to be more durable. With the long cast and soul shard cost, they really don’t want you to swap pets in combat.

Also worth mentioning that Fel Domination removes the shard cost, though the tooltip doesn’t say it.

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Doing open world content on my human demo lock and my Wrathguard never really felt great, but somehow, he’s worse now. Long cast time, he feels super squishy, he even seems to be struggling MORE to hold threat. Warlock is my favorite class, demonology more so, but more and more I’m starting to wish I didn’t play it.

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Its a death sentence for demo in arena.

If you see a demo, just focus the pet twice and enjoy your free kill.

You aint getting a 6 sec cast off vs any competent team. Gg.