I just wanted to say thank you, a thousand times, thank you, Blizz for giving us back the ability to choose our pet’s spec!
It’s a Winter Veil miracle!
Too bad that MM is having their pets taken away and can’t use it.
That’s ok, it doesn’t affect druids
I have more level 80s than you, I guess. Stop making stupid assumptions based on my profile picture.
I’m not making assumptions based on your profile, I’m making assumptions based on the couple of dozen posts you’ve made in the past few days saying your 20 year old hunter is upset blizzard is catering to a .001% elite group. Even going as far as to post in unrelated threads.
Yet you’ve been posting on a druid who is already doing heroic raid content. It’s almost as if you either don’t have a hunter and just want to gatekeep other classes from fun, or you do have a hunter but you’ve already been posting on him and don’t want us to know about it.
Some of us, like me, have wanted to play an archer since it was available in warcraft 2. That’s 30 years. I assure you I am not a raid elitist, I barley do any m+ or raid content, far less than you.
Well…if they would fix the bug that prevents people from changing their profile picture…
But WHY should I have to change my profile picture just to please you, when people are NOT required to, just to post? Stop the meaningless trolling. I don’t see you doing it to others who don’t have a hunter in their profile picture, so I assume you are just bullying me over it, being as the person who started the thread has a mage in their profile pic…
I just realized this probably won’t affect family passive like mortal wounds. That means many pets won’t be viable for PVP most likely.
- Specializations for hunter pets can now be changed in the stable via a dropdown menu.
I rushed to the forums when I saw this. It’s incredible.
I only wish now that the new remade pack master allowed you to choose between capturable pets for bear, wyvern, boar.
You could already be an archer.
Just use lone wolf.
That was enough.
Now you’re forcing the same thing on others by completely removing the pet. That’s uncool.
You still have a pet anyway, a dumb hawk with no name and no attachment to you, the player.
And my main of 18 years before you give me the same treatment as the druid
Sure you can play lone wolf if you want to give up bloodlust, mortal wounds, roar of sacrifice, pet stun, and other stuff… I mean you could play a warrior without a weapon if you want, nothing stops you.
I’m not forcing anything. This is Blizzard’s decision. I’m just giving my feedback that I love that we finally have the option to play it.
Good, Blizz. Thanks.
Now just separate MS from pet families please and put it on Mongoose Bite/Cobra Shot or Kill Command like how Marksman’s going to have on Aimed Shot so I can finally PvP with a bear and not gimp myself.
This is huge for me. I can’t wait for this. Didn’t we have this a long time ago?
yeah, we did. it was removed at the start of BfA
You sir are being detained until you explain where you got that mog.
If they stick with this Pack Leader design, which I’m not convinced they will, they might eventually give us the option to change the appearance of the Pack Leader Beasts similar to Warlocks being able to learn new appearances for their Demons.
In the mean time, it is very much appreciated that we are finally able to choose our pets’ specs again. I would like to extend a very sincere “Thank you” to Blizz for this.
Yes please!
I really hate the default pack leader pets enough to be switching my Surv hunter to Sentinel and I’m not a fan of sentinel.
Giving hunters pet spec choice in the same patch we get 3 forced pets in Packleader is like a corrupt-a-wish thread and just makes me completely unexcited to play my hunter now.
I don’t like that I can’t change what pet abilities my pets have. Changing the spec has really done very little for diversity as pets that always had mortal strike still have mortal strike and those that don’t can’t.
I just want a cat with MS, is that so hard? Why can’t I play whatever pet I like?