Pet spec changing returning is a major win!

Never forget what we lost. Never forget we lost pet spec changing because pvp players couldnt tell what spec hunters pets were, so they nuked spec changing entirely ages ago. They bent the knee to a low % of the community and didnt care for the pve community. Slap in the face. But this day we have reclaimed victory for a stupid removal and can freely choose our pet specs finally.


I’m SO excited for this! I’ve been wanting a ferocity wolfhawk for AGES


Wait, where is this mentioned?! I don’t want to doubt you it’s just that I can’t find the patch notes mentioning this and Google is showing your post as top lol!

The blue post patch notes.

  • Specializations for hunter pets can now be changed in the stable via a dropdown menu.

Ah it was all the way down, down, down instead of the Hunter section lol. Blizzard acts like it was always a feature and they’re just now adding some UI functionality to it instead of like, a long-requested feature to return and should’ve been noted in the Hunter section.

Anyway, opening up the Cunning pets to be actually useful in PVE is great! Finally, Mechanicals are viable in PVE!

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I’ve always always hated, since vanilla, how there was always THE ONE you had to have for specific things.

I for one look forward to finally bringing back out Mr Pinchy, my blue crab who tanked all through vanilla and burning crusade, for some fun.

He’s been in the stables so long, he still actually named Mr Pinchy.
The UI wants to force me to rename him before I pull him out.
Maybe I’ll finally give in.

Now we just need to get them to back off on “exotics” and align them with the better mechanic of training books, so I can pull out my golden wurm, Jim.


This is a good change. Now they need to let us pick what special ability are pets have.

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In Javier Bardem No-Country-coin-toss-scene voice:

You’re whole life has been leading to this moment and you just didn’t know it…

Well done, Blizz. Well done.
