Pet’s Movement Speed/Weapon Attack Speed

I am too old and it has been too long, but in one version of classic some rare pets moved extremely fast. Also weapon’s attack speed could change weapon to weapon. Hunter’s would use fast attack speed bows on casters and slower bows on melee. Anyone remember or notice either of these on the demo?


I do remember the rare wolf spawn, ‘Lupos’, in Duskwood was an excellent pvp pet due to he had a type of ‘charge’ which could outrun any player, and his attack speed fast fast. I think he also spread rabies to his target which lessened the effects of healing and hp regen.

Pets back then had different attack speeds also. ‘Humar’, the black lion in Barrens was popular because had a 1.5 attack speed.

I have not played the demo, just going by what I knew from the old game.


I thought Lupos was popular because he did shadow damage, and it was Broken Tooth that had the crazy attack speed.


Yes Broken Tooth had a 1.0 attack speed, he was the perfect ‘anti caster weapon’. And you’re correct, Lupos did shadow damage to players also.


Thanks…Yes…Brooken Tooth plus some of the Wolves/Wargs in AV were ridiculously fast. There was also a bat, though I forget where I tamed him, that was faster than mount speed.

I hope we will be able to tame again!!

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Assume the pet normalization will be in which is sad because its a further nerf to hunters.

Also it was the av wolfs that moved faster then epic mounts.


Probably a better way to think…won’t be disappointed that way and MIGHT be presently surprised.

I guess I should go through all the Classic Patch notes to see if I can pin down when normalization hit.

Found a couple of threads on different forums that stated pet normalization happened with the launch of TBC.

Here’s me keeping my fingers crossed.

Pet attack speed was normalized in TBC.

Pets keeping their untamed resistances/movement speed/uniqueness (Lupos dealing shadow damage) was removed in 1.9.

Lupos was popular because he did shadow instead of physical damage with his attacks. He had no such movement speed or unique debuff. Humar was popular because it was the only black cat, much like Echeyakee was popular as the only white cat, not because of a fast attack speed.


I’m pretty sure King B retained his ability post 1.9 but could be wrong. It was train-able at the pet trainers regardless. It could be handy if it saved you training points, but as far as I remember King B was on the rather slow side for attack speed compared to the faster cats.

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King Bangalash’s Cobra Reflexes was only in TBC and poorly scripted pservers.

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If memory serves, the ZG bats also had a 1.0 attack speed.

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I remember The Rake ,a unique lvl 10ish lion from mulgore, was desirable at low levels as it was the first high attack speed option.

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Nerfs to pet resistance/run speed/damage type/etc WILL go live with 1.12 era Classic as they all occurred around 1.4-1.10.

Nerfs to Aimed Shot/Multishot “Normalization” will go live with 1.12 era Classic, as they were added circa 1.10-1.12.

Nerfs to pet attack speed did NOT go live until 2.0.1 They should NOT be in 1.12 classic (But only time will tell.)

Nerfs to traps (or buffs, depending on whether you were a good hunter or a crappy hunter) did not go live until 2.0.1. They should NOT be in 1.12 classic (But only time will tell)