Pet ran away

So iv been doing skinning with my pet, keeping him fed but for some reason the happiness keeps going red.
So id feed him and it’d go yellow and keep going red really fast, then it was red for like 1 minute of not feeding it and it just ran away without a chance to feed it again?
Is there some sort of bug with pet happiness?

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Are you sure you’re feeding him the right food? is he dying a lot? those can affect pet happiness


If you dismiss your pet it loses happiness this was a feature I wasn’t aware of but if you are doing that, there’s the reason. Also as mentioned before they lose happiness if they fall in combat. Also what level friendliness is it? The lower it is the faster they lose.

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When you feed your pet it isnt an instant happiness boost, rather it ticks a bit of happiness every few seconds over the course of half a minute or so. If you go into combat it cancels the process, this is likely what happened to you since you were killing mobs and skinning them. You have to let it finish before going into combat in order to get the full effect of being fed. You can check the happiness ticks if you click the combat tab in the chat bar. Happy questing.

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You need to gain exp for your pet to increment in loyalty. Feed till green then kill stuff.

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Are you feeding it grain free ?

You shouldn’t beat your pet.

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As a hunter I would run across a few pets that just didn’t like being pets.
Couldn’t keep them happy didn’t hold threat and yes run away.
Best thing to do is just get another one.
I personally think it is a very little game bug that Blizzard can’t fix.

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you need to feed it food around it’s level range too.

for example a level 60 pet could eat level 35 food, but the 35 food would only give it happiness for a minute or less

45/55 food would make it happy for a long time.

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I kept feeding my wife and she left me too.

Happier now.

Maybe it was meant to be? Plenty more fish in the sea my dude.


Theres temporary happiness and permanent loyalty level. At a low loyalty level (ie when first trained) pets lose happiness very quickly and will run away if left unhappy for long. As their loyalty level rises (by gaining exp with your pet out) they lose happiness more slowly, and become almost impossible to drive off

I don’t blame your pet. I’d run away from you too!

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Was your pet the same level as you when you tamed it?

There’s a bug that prevents pets tamed at the same level as you from gaining loyalty until after you gain a level. They require way more attention than normal and they are far more likely to run away than normal.

Solution: tame a pet one level below your own.

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@Samkha , a hunters pet wont eat the wrong food. They only eat the food that is assigned by Blizz to their species. Example: Turtles eat fish and fruit, wont eat meat.

feed your pets people. Damn.