Pet Farming Question for a Boosted Toon

Hi Hunters,

I have had a lvl 110 boost sitting there unused and decided to try the only ranged class I’m not currently playing. I’m opting for Beast Mastery as this toon will be my laid back casual toon to play mostly for fun and I like the idea of just going out and collecting new, fun and interesting pets. Not sure I’ll ever get into raiding or high keys but if I like playing it, one never knows.

I have some questions for any of you that are in-the-know and able to guide me.

  1. I only have the starting pet right now and I haven’t played a hunter (and didn’t have a chance to look at how you actually collect the pets). It appears you have to get the pet down to a low health and then attempt to tame it. Does your ilvl compared to the pets level make this easier? ie: If I go do old content, will I be able to tame the pet just by sheer force?

  2. If not tameable by sheer will and I have to get their health down, any recommendations? It is as easy as just procure a low level weapon as I go, stick to auto attack (as I assume my spells will one shot really low level pets) and then upgrade the weapon as I go?

  3. Are there any guides for farming pets (what pets are tameable, where to find them) that are better than others?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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  1. Very few pets require you to lower their health for taming. In most cases you can simply drop a frost trap on them and start taming.
  2. For those pets that require it(like the spirit beast porcupines in Pandaria) Use a lowlvl weapon or even your fists. Make sure most if not all of your gear is removed
  3. Wow-petopia is your friend.

Many thanks!

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Welcome to the Hunter Family. First, as Meroni stated, Petopia is the Holy Bible when it comes to Hunter Pets and their abilities.

As for questions 1 and 2, most pets, there is not special trick or need to DPS their health down unless its one of the Hunter Challenge Tames. Basically you just drop a freezing trap to CC the pet and then cast tame on the pet.

Now, that said, I will admit and warn you that collecting Hunter Pets is akin to smoking m.e.t.h…you will get addicted and will fill up your limited spaces rather quickly. That said, have fun.

Lastly, one pet I believe all Hunters should journey to tame, the Ghost Saber,


While Frost Trap does help, you don’t need it for most pets. There are some that you will need it for such as the Pandaria tracking tames as they removed Hunter’s Mark. Just make sure you don’t have your old pet out, have a pet slot open (you can only have 5 on you), and hit “Tame Beast”.

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for Ghost saber if you are lvl 120 talk to Zidormi to go back to the Darkshore was.
go to Ruins of Mathystra , open the cat figurines until he spawns easy tame it will take awhile. I open like 100 figurines before I got him


Bugger, I forgot about that piece of advice…I hope the OP did not spend time seeking the figurines while in current phase…

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