Pet cages in my Guild Bank

Most of the pets stored in my Guild Bank are showing up as generic “Pet Cages” with the same icon for all of them. Only about 1-2% display correctly.

When I withdraw a pet, it appears fine in my bags with the correct icon and name, but when I place it back in the bank, the same bug happens again.

This is frustrating, as it makes managing pets extremely difficult. Is this a known issue? How can it be resolved?


It’s been bugged like this for weeks now and Blizzard is the only one that can fix it.


Yep, it’s been weeks, I gave up checking the forums daily to see if there’s any update but still check the vault for any changes. I have way too many pets that I would love to return to the gvault instead of storing in alt banks for fear of losing them.


I would like to know when this bug will be fixed by Blizzard.


This is happening to me also.

I have a Banker who holds all my caged pets, seven tabs full!
My Auction Character (This one; Miriel) also has a tab full of pets to sell, and I can identify none of them unless I remove them from her Guild Bank.

I can see the details of about ten of them and the rest all say …

Pet Cage.
Battle Pet.
Use: Teaches you how to summon this pet.

The icon is a white generic cage with no indication of what pet is inside.

I hope this can be fixed soon.



Still Bugged:(


Guild banks are apparently an abandoned feature, I wouldn’t use them to be honest, anything in there could vanish at any time, and you have a good chance of getting nothing restored. Just check the pinned thread at the top of bug reports and you’ll see what I mean.


I have 2 guild banks full of pet cages all affected by this bug. I had guild banks decimated by the Great Blizzard Bank Heist and so am very nervous about this. Would love to see a blue post


If you do, it probably won’t have any decent answers. Just look at the bank heist blue post…

Storage in this game can no longer be considered safe or secure, anything could disappear at anytime, with nothing but an insincere apology that you aren’t getting anything back.


My Guild Banks are still affected by this bug, I cannot determine what pets I have in my guild bank until I remove them from the guild bank and put them in my bags.

I have hundreds and hundreds of pets (many rare) and
this is making me very nervous.

The icons for all of the pets in my Guild Bank are just cages and this just happened with my bank after the last update. It looks like this problem has been going on for awhile. When will it be fixed?

I’m having the same issue… 16 days later after op… looks like we need to report the bug in game every day until it get fixed

Still unable to identify pets in guild bank, is this just the new normal now?

Pretty much, just look at the huge number of unsolved issues in this forum, that have been a problem for months, while they keep trying to roll out more stuff/events, that are all broken as well.

Of course, I don’t have faith that the stuff in your banks (all of them) won’t go missing the more they mess with stuff.

Game is going down the toilet rapidly, and they don’t care to fix it, just roll out more store mounts and stuff to try and keep the FOMO going so they can retain subs.

Another maintenance has come and gone with no fix. Blizzard has no incentive to fix it since they know they already emptied out our guild banks.

24 days have passed, and there’s still no fix or comment from them. Now I’m worried that if they do manage to fix it, they might damage something else in the process, or worse, damage it further without even fixing it. Honestly, I don’t know what to think anymore.

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It is now 2025 and this is still NOT fixed. Has Blizzard even acknowledged the bug?

Well, may as well add my two cents to this discussion. I have the same issue with pets in my guild banks. As a pet collector, this is a bit frustrating, to say the least. I have moved all my pets out of the guild bank and on to mostly unused characters to be safe, in case the fix they may come up with deletes them. Sent in a bug report, with no response.

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