Pet battles all as hard as eyegor?

I thought I would try one, but I lose all three pets before the last pet fighting eyegor

Even if I use two pets with beast bonus attack, can’t kill that first pet wolf thing hardly

There are lots of strategies on wowhead wowhead . com/npc=173324/jojobado#english-comments


I don’t know
nothing worked

Everything you need to make it work.


It’s silly you need a meta set of pets when there are hundreds of them to collect, but of no use. Kind of takes the fun out of it doesn’t it?


Sometimes I’ll deliberately take a team of level 1 pets so the enemy is also level 1. You only have one move but so do they and I try to play the type matchups


you don’t need a meta set of pets, but you do need pets that work well against the pets you’re fighting.

I mean… maybe that’s meta? idk. you can’t bring just any three pets and expect to win., but there’s definately more than a handful of pets you can use to beat him.


It’s just that some pets are so overpowered they will wipe the floor with almost everything so a lot of people will just recommend those, instead of more common, but less versatile pets.

It’s not necessarily that you need a meta pet to beat it. It’s just that having certain combinations trivialises the fight. I am sure lots of combinations could beat it but its usually just easier to use the one suggested in the comments.

Some of the pet battles for daily quests have very specific fights with certain abilities. On top of that a few have stupid RNG. With the right team though Eyegore is easy -

Good luck!


The answer to your title is no.

So Blizz comes up with an idea for a fight right, and as players we have to come up with a way to beat that idea, generally speaking players will take the easy route so when someone discovers and publishes their idea for a fight if it’s the best one that’s what everyone does.

The players answer to Blizz’s pet battles for a long time (since the start) was “howl bombs”, basically you setup bonus damage debuffs on an enemy pet then use a hard hitting spell to one shot it.

Blizz nerfed that. Then players came up with “black claw/hunting party” and “black claw flock”, Blizz nerfed that.

Now to combat players coming up with “I win” strats Blizz had a choice to make

A goal we have when making many new pet battle World Quests or encounters is to create puzzles that players can counter and “solve”-- ideally with the option to use a variety of pets and tools to do so. When a few pets have such strong synergies that they can deal massive damage in just a few rounds and almost trivially beat these enemies, it becomes problematic. Do we make new challenges only beatable by the highest damage combos, or do we make them generally solveable and therefore immediately smashed by massive damage?
We don’t want to ruin the feel of combination abilities, so we aren’t going to make Black Claw no longer interact with Hunting Party or Flock, but we want to make sure these abilities are dealing appropriate damage. And we want to make sure that secondary effects such as Shattered Defenses are being accounted for with regards to balance.
When we have further specifics, we will be sure to let you know.

So now you get annoying RNG fights. Older fights aren’t annoying, and I doubt current fights and future fights will be as annoying either since they will do some tuning.

the thing with pet battles is that there is no “true combination” that will always win, it really depends on the fight and what the enemies are weak to

Not for me since I’m a collector first and battler a distant distant second :rofl:

I have completely stopped Pet Master battling. It just seems unnecessarily hard. Should I have to have a level 25 of every pet type (or 2/3 of each) to be able to have a pet that counters every possibility? Too much.

They didn’t want 100% win rate team so the pet battles in SL has been RNG heavy. It’s difficult, but doable.

Just make list of pet teams that have high win rates/voted most then level them up.

use this site and get the addons rematch and td scripts.(id youtube)

then just become ash ketchum and get the pets you need.

very worth.

No, you do not need “meta” pets. You just need proper strategy.

If you could win by just using random abilities with no thought whatsoever, it’d be really boring.

When everyone has the same tools available, you win by using yours better than the other guy.

In this case you do that by picking your tools better.

Use all Level 1 pets for the golden paws, they scale with level, quick and easy.

I have yet to lose a world quest pet battle :slight_smile: and do them all every day.

The pet battles require a little thinking is all, if I had an issue I looked through my pets and found a Good counter