Hi - Just wanted to express my frustration that we have bonus pet battle week this week but NA squirt day is next week… Both EU and TW/Asia get pet bonus & squirt on same week (next week) so they can take full advantage of this event.
Why can’t blizzard make this happen for US/NA, its a simple thing to achieve and will go long ways for your player base.
I love that pet battle had a role to play in the recent Secrets of Azeroth mount and more people are getting into them. So please keep that momentum going and give us squirt day this week
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and we get them through the year when they don’t. It all evens out in the end.
The next overlapping one we have is 8th March, EU doesn’t have it then
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whats the deal with wanting the pet battle bonus event line up when squirt is at the garrison? am i missing something?
What’s wrong with the title
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Who still does Squirt day? Use those SL mission tables and be buried in so many pet coins you can upgrade everything without thinking about them.
There’s nothing wrong, it’s all right
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Snail Fight! is up in Highmountain, Legion that is a very good, if not better alternative to Squirt. 14 hours remaining.
squirtle day a day just for the water turtle pokemon
we JUST had 3 months of Squirt at the Celebration grounds and got an extra Super Squirt too out of it, iirc we have one in March than another a month or so later, EU has to wait until the summer after Thursday.
Most pet battles in Dalaran (Legion, the one that pops up for WQ) award same XP bonus as Squirt. Although obviously the downside is that you must have the right pets for those fights, and there’s no NPC to heal the pets (so you need to stock up on bandages).
Thanks for the reminder that it’s soon. I have a lot of pets to level.
Squirt day is why I clicked on this thread, Yet I remain disappointed.