Pet Battle Achievements - Not getting Credit

Working on Family Battler Achievements, specifically Humanoid/Critter/Beast of the Dragon Isles. Did Patchu’s under those pet types, and received no credit.

I tried to see if it was just wasn’t updating the text, so I tried Humanoid Battler where I only needed Patchu to earn the achieve. Won, but received no credit and no achievement.

Tried reloading, no success, and no addons installed.


This happened to me too, but relogging made them count.


I am also experiencing this. I disabled all add-ons and tried the match again. This is impacting all of the Dragonflight pet battle achievements it seems.

Tested with Mechanical, Undead, and Flying teams of 25 on Patchu, Arcantus, and Swog. No credit received for any of the matches. Credit was working correctly before patch 10.0.5.

I had the same problem but confirm that a log out/log in gave me credit for the achievements.

Same issue right now with Setimothes. Not getting credit towards achievements.

Edit: a relog did fix the issue. I guess the problem occurred because Setimothes is also the the daily battle pet quest?

Edit 2: guess not. Managed to complete two credits for the achievement (flying, aquatic), but did not get it for the 3rd, beast.

Same thing happened to me. Did Setimothes with all Magic, all 25, on the WQ. No credit. No difference reloading or after restarting the game. Still no credit. It’s kinda been constant bugs since last patch to be honest. Noticeably more than “normal”.

Setimodes gave me no achievement update for Flying Battler last night. I checked and rechecked my team - all fliers. Relogged and attempted the battle on two separate characters on my account. I submitted a ticket and received a form letter response from Blizzard. Sounds like I’ll keep pursuing this.

Been working on these the last couple of days. Once I’ve done all 10 teams, I relog to get credit. However, there are a few that I have not gotten credit for, despite winning the battle twice with that team: critters on Setimothes and aquatic on Swog so far.

Had this happen the other day on Setimodes. It was the daily quest and was awarding charms, so thought I’d bring in several leveling alts to get charms too and since I was doing that I though I might as well finish up the family battler fights I was missing on it also. Checked later to see which ones I still needed and noticed that none of ones I’d already done had counted. Went back today to try again and still no success.

Been doing Stormamu for Dragon, Flying, Undead no luck. Have tried different character, exited game tried again, still no luck for getting the achievement credit.

Update: Tried with the rest of the families on Stormamu and got credit for none of them.

I also experienced this issue with Undead and Aquatic teams with Haniko. Reloading did not fix but relogging did.

I’m seeing comments that for some people relogging isn’t helping anymore. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

The same happened for me with Stormamu…and is now happening on Haniko. Logging out and in isn’t helping either.

Still bugged.

Not receiving credit for defeating Swog with a full team of 25 elementals.

Relogging did not solve the bug.

Still bugged. I can’t get any combination on any pet battle to get achievement progress.

Don’t forget to report bug in game.

No fixes for this after the 1/31 reset, still bugged.

Just tried an undead team against stormamu, still not working.

Just did a critter team on Swog (daily quest today), and it failed to count. Did it a second time with one different critter, and it still failed to count. Still bugged.

Edit: I did try the full log out/restart (close game and client) and that fixed it for me.

Would be nice to at least get this added to the list of known bugs as it seems to be something that is a known bug for at least the last two weeks.

Yeah, and it is still active it seems :frowning: