Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2

Same on both my hunter and my warlock. Was fine before update today. Incredibly annoying.

I imagine they’ll probably get around to fixing it before Firelands. Maybe.


Yep not just you. It’s all pets…happening to my frost mage and locks. Pet bar is all messed up since the update earlier today. It sucks and is pretty much unplayable. The pets dont’ dismiss either. The characters are pretty much unplayable.


This has happened to me as well with my hunter. I didn’t notice it until Tol Barad was active and once I got in I was confused why it was hidden. I also noticed the other night the pet bar shifted one spot to the right but figured it was just me. Screwy cata classic glitch.


Oh is this a thing? I just did a BH 10 and couldn’t see my bar… hmmm



It just started happening with my UI also about 20 mins ago :confused:


Oh man I thought I was going insane glad to know I’m not alone. I just started a warlock and couldn’t figure out why the bar was doing that, logged into my DK and hunter and same thing. Then I went to search for 20 min to figure out why and finally stumbled on this thread lol. Definitely happened after the update that I got like half an hour ago or so now.


Same… Please fix any pet class is unplayable!


this was broken for me too, i downloaded the addon moveany and moved it back to where it was

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Same. Disabled all addons. /reload ui several times. restarted game several times. Ran scan and repair. no joy.


Same for me on both my hunters… I have done everything… loaded the game with no addons, renamed my WTF folder so it made a new one… nothing moves these bars to make my class playable… Please acknowledge and fix this asap.


Blizzard please fix


Same issue on Hunter and demonology warlock. Pet action bar hidden/inaccessible behind Action Bar 2. Reset interface, turned off all addons, typed script to show action bar all to no avail. Basically can’t play any toons with pets. Will submit query to GM.


Happened to me, too. Downloaded the MoveAnything addon to fix it

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Happen to my pet bar 15 minutes ago. Everyone in my dungeon group got sick lag then after my pet bar was bugged >.<

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Same problem here with my lock. Dismissed my pet, resummon - problem still there. Started today…


Earlier (yesterday evening now I suppose) my hunter was fine. Now logging into my mage, there is the pet bar buried in back between the 2 hotbars. Big ooof. Hope it gets fixed soon.


Hopefully get some sort of acknowledgement soon from blizz. Playing only through GeForce doesn’t give me any options other then to just not play at all. 1 single bug just broke all the pet classes.


Dang. I just respecced my DK to Unholy and got this. Pretty sad.

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Someone posted the following script on Reddit and it works like a charm (I made it into a macro so I can activate it anytime the pet bar hides behind action bars 2 and 3 again):

/script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints() PetActionButton1:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”,fpet,“BOTTOMLEFT”,400,100)

That is copied directly from my macro and works perfectly on my end.
Let me know if you have issues with it.


Thought I was going crazy last night so I’m glad to see others with the same issue. Hopefully Blizz fixes during maintenance today.

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