Pet bar disappeared after changing pet spec

I changed Hati to ferocity at the stable master. Now when I summon him the pet bar disappears. It is still there when I go into edit mode but is invisible. When I summon a pet I did not change the pet bar reappears.

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This happened to me as well, and also only seems to be happening with Hati.

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I’ve had this problem with every pet I’ve respecced so far. It makes the respecced pets unusable.

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I’ve fixed this by going into Edit Mode, clicking the place where my pet bar should be, in the options of the bar > always visible, leave edit mode and should have an empty pet bar there. You can go into your spell book, pet tab, and drag and drop the missing spells into that bar.


With addons disable if I change any my pets out of their default specialization the pet bar vanishes and only reappears when I change them back.

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Here is my testing on the issue.

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This does help. The crux of the issue is that their action bar is empty so it looks like it disappears. Make it always show will show the empty action bars and you can drag the abilities from the pet menu back onto their bar. Annoying, but at least there is a workaround and hopefully they fix it soon.

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