Pet Bar Bugged

Is anyone else experiencing an issue with your pet bar being missing?

It seems to be isolated to whenever you call a pet that you respec (Tenacity > Ferocity etc.). I’ve reloaded UI, unloaded addons, run text script etc. and still missing on respecced pets

I haven’t tried that but I can’t right click to toggle autocast from the pet bar. I have to open the spellbook.

Confirmed with my experience. I noticed this too when I respeced the pets.

I had this on the PTR while testing the patch, thought my addons glitched but obviously no

Posted this in bug forums, but as a temporary workaround you can drag hunter ability to normal action bar and toggle it, then drag it back.

Its not bugged, its emptied. You have to put everything back, which is annoying

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This macro will force show the petbar when it goes missing:

/script PetActionBarFrame:Show()

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I actually believe this was an issue when we could originally change pet specs. Seeing it come back means that Blizzard never found a fix for it.

This is good tech and was the answer. Thank you! As annoying as it is, much more enjoyable to use the pets I want with the bar all set!

My Growl can now be toggled again on my pet bar today.

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