Pet Attack/Pet Follow Macro

Hi guys,

As a Hunter up until BFA, I used this one-button macro with no problems but it seems either it no longer works or I am missing something.

This one button macro used to send my pet to attack my target and if I pressed it again, it would recall my pet to my side. I am not sure why it no longer works.

/petattack [@pettarget,noexists]

Now playing a Warlock, if I use it to send my pet in to attack, my pet runs about halfway then comes right back to me. It never reaches my target. If I do get my pet on my target, the pet won’t return when I press the macro.

Any ideas?

/petattack [@pettarget,noexists]
/petfollow [@pettarget,exists]
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Found one problem with this macro. If you send your pet to attack you cannot cancel/recall your pet until it reaches the target which can be bad if it aggros something.

/petattack [@pettarget,noexists]
/petfollow [@pettarget,exists]

Hello Friend! :wave:

Here is a command that might help you and to better understand.

A better example of what Elvenbane is giving.

/petfollow [mod]

Depending on how you want your Macro set up, this is what I do. I use #Showtooltip to give my Macro an Icon, then I use Alt plus the button I have it bound to for the 2nd command.

So initially, I’ll press my button with no alt and my pet will attack my target and with alt pressed plus button my pet follows and cancels attack.

I hope I explained this for you, I know your post is old but it’s what comes up on Google for this macro.

Enjoy :blush:

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