I was thinking about this today, what personality types/MBTI would you associate with certain classes and specs?
Thankfully blizzard are moving away from outdated stereotypes, that is why covenants are based on what kind of person you are, not what stereotype your class is.
I can be an edgy priest and there can be goody 2 shoes warlocks.
Is that the personality test thingy? I did it some time ago and I got Infj, I think it’s called the advocate?
Anyways, I also created my Paladin at that time and Paladin was my first class. I mostly play Ret and Prot though it varies on what my guild needs.
Id hate to say every priest must be X type or X type is always a priest or something -
But I would be curious to see statistical analysis of this from a healthy amount of WoW players to see if there is a general correlation.
Unfortunately some classes are a blend of roles and some have a much higher % of player base. Some may be too versatile to have any one type of person playing it.
Even so, i’m an INFP and play priest/shaman. A lot of players I know that are INFP do the same. These two classes share a supportive nature to the groups they find themselves in despite their role as damage or heals and maybe that’s why more INFP people would gravitate toward playing them. Or maybe just coincidence.