And here we have the real crux of the issue. Blizzard could not REALLY control loot as a progression lever because masterloot allowed serious progression minded guilds to gear up very efficiently.
This means if they nerfed loot enough to hurt the top guilds, the casual guilds would riot as they’d get basically nothing.
As long as master loot existed, Blizzard couldnt REALLY use drop rates as a lever to control progression speeds. THIS is why master loot was removed. Not to protect people too afraid to say no. Not because of the evil master looters who disenchant loot and laugh at the noobs! It was all to put more power into Blizzards hands and out of the playerbases.
I use to be an a$$ and would DKP to bid on something I don’t really need. I read the DKP score on the guild website so I know much much DKP each person have and who might bid. Usually lose in purpose in the end but wasted the winners DKP a lot more than they should have. So when an item I need drop they don’t have much DKP and I can win the items I need without need to spend a lot of DKP.
That was a bad system then. You bid DKP you lose it. Even if you dont get the item. Also good systems degraded DKP over time. No stockpiling over a certain point.
You’re right. They spread on the forums. Hence the whole point.
Well it happened and Blizzard nicked it. The truth is, master loot always came with too much drama, and Blizzard got sick of it. Can’t say I blame them, the environment it created was toxic.
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
Incorrect, i’m attacking their argument, not them. I didn’t say invented by bad players.
No they don’t. The forums make up less than 1% of the playerbase. Most people don’t even come here unless following a link from wowhead from a Blizzard post.
No it didn’t. Blizzard nicked it so they could take away power and use loot as a progression limiting lever.
Most progression minded players realize this. Trolls and casuals who have no idea how much it was aimed at hurting THEM crow about it from their ignorance.
I was the DPS masterlooter (we had 1 for tanks 1 for healers and 1 for DPS and we conferred when pieces overlapped) It wasn’t that much trouble. And i’d have kicked that rogue square in the nuts for bidding on an item he didn’t want, whether we were keeping the trial or not. Decent people dont mind sending off failures with something to remember us by.
Allow loot options for Horde guilds, keep Alliance guilds as personal loot only. It’s the best solution. The people swearing by personal loot being forced on everyone are overwhelmingly Alliance players; not just in this thread, but in every thread about it.
It feels much more tolerable to see someone else get loot that they rnged personally than to feel like i lost a loot because someone else rolled on a communal drop we could both used
I much prefer Personal Loot, but I do think that in a guild group (which the game already registers for weekly gold into GBank) they should have the option to use ML if they want to.
There are certainly average casuals who speak up. But the fact that elite players are overrepresented on certain pet issues is hardly a reason to cater to them on any of those issues.
What is good for elites may be bad for the majority of players in the game, or for the game itself.
Nah. The reason they removed it was to make raids last longer. The idea that personal loot is bad for casuals makes no sense.
I’d like to see ML return for guild groups, so that loot can be given to people who benefit the most from it. My issue with personal loot is you can’t trade it if the game deems it an upgrade. Even something that’s 3 item levels but has awful stats it won’t let me trade away. There’s been a few times I have gotten a downgrade stat wise and have been unable to give it away to someone.
I love how you accidentally described master loot perfectly.
Right but it’s not about what everyone agrees too. It’s about one person (raid leader) deciding who the loot should go too. That’s a dumb system which is probably why you’re in favor of it.
Also I love how you start to hurl insults at me because I don’t like master loot lmao. Sad to see