Exactly, nothing wrong with that
Edit: Oh wait, if you are talking about trade restrictions I agree with you 100% they should be removed.
Exactly, nothing wrong with that
Edit: Oh wait, if you are talking about trade restrictions I agree with you 100% they should be removed.
If they get rid of trade restrictions (i.e Soulbind on lvl upgrade) then PL loot is superior in every way.
Can still trade items. Especially if the content has already been cleared/on farm. Few restrictions in place, but not horrible.
Nothing stopping you from making your own groups and armor/class stacking. Nothing privileged about it.
My loot, my choice. You wanting/asking/demanding something I got is entitlement. And entitlement is bad behavior
Disclaimer: I’m all for ML coming back
I don’t like PL. I don’t mind it being OPTIONAL but like that system is just shoved down our throats, and I hate it.
So that’s the only thing that is holding PL back for being effective or efficient?
I’m assuming Blizz did this intentionally to “fix” player behavior when they ditched ML because like I said top end raiders were doing something with farming gear that Blizz didnt like.
They didnt get rid of it and go PL only as a QoL thing for the players who complained about ML. It had to do with changing how players got gear. That’s my theory at least.
I don’t really see how this is even an argument though. Every loot option should be available. Before you join a guild ask them what they use for loot, if you don’t agree with it then don’t join.
I agree with your reasoning.
Feels uncanny but at work we were having talks at work about making certain manual systems intentionally less efficient… so that people are more motivated to use self help tools.
It shouldn’t be, though I think they gave having ‘both’ systems a try in Legion and decided to scrap ml in BfA. Maybe the bad of having it around was worse than the benefits.
It’s possible. It’d probably make pugging raids harder when every group you encounter is using master loot. So I can understand that.
That’s why I really do prefer personal loot because it’s the fairest way to go about it. If you kill the boss then you get a fair shot at looting gear. Doesn’t matter if you’re not in the same guild as the rest of the group or just joined the raid for one boss and left.
If you contribute to the kill you deserve a chance at loot.
I dont mind either loot system. Though it’s nice to not have to police peoples loot when we’re just there to hang out and clear heroic when we aren’t a cutting edge guild
Taking sentences out of context and asking questions which were answered by the sentence immediately prior does not make your case any better. There is a reason that with as many active MMOs and even WoW clones out there, that Blizzard was the only company with individuals stupid and egotistical enough to forcibly implement a system such as this regardless of the negative feedback.
Random yes, but able to be given to the person who would most benefit from it.
Not if you’re doing prog and stuff is ilevel upgrades for people.
I mean I get that, but I think this was intentional as I mentioned before.
So getting ML back is probably not going to happen. Getting them to remove the lock on gear that is an “upgrade” with PL may be even less likely because then Blizz is back to square one with the original issue they had.
This. God so much this. I don’t mind personal loot, it’s whatever. Let me have the option to opt-out of trade restrictions in some capacity. Let me give away what would otherwise be vendor trash. Please.
the best thing about personal loot is that I can leave items on the corpse and have it mailed to me, instead of looting and having a thousand “can I have that?” messages sent to me.
Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask!
same here. been the same guild since wod progressing with no drama at all. ml or pl whatever…trades no trades…boe’s …
Well no, but I think it’s good to have all the information lined up and out there for the sake of discussion. Maybe change the parameters to work around the snag of Blizz not wanting players to exploit the system, if that’s how they see it.
Maybe theres no really good solution in the end. I dont know.
i miss need/greed/pass, but masterloot is too annoying and abusive/abusable
There’s not. As long as some players can’t be bothered to say no if someone asks the to trade something then we’re all stuck with the current system.
I think you and I have two different perspectives here.
I tried to go check out their official explanation and I got one article, but it was blocked. I did see a quick Ion quote about the social aspects of ML (something about being at the mercy of other players), and I saw a WoWhead analysis about split raiding. So it seems I had it swapped.
High end runs can kind of rig loot in their favor with PL with split runs, and removing ML was I guess a decision made due to the social aspects of the game (ie to stop players from not getting loot for reasons we have seen pointed out multiple times). So essentially I had it backward I guess. I was under the impression that so many players wanted ML back because it was “exploitable” when farming gear. My bad.
I guess the strain on players was enough to push Blizz in that direction. That’s the only reason I can imagine them doing it.
Which essentially confirms that the best compromise is to remove the “cant trade a piece if its higher ilvl than what you’ve already accessed” in my mind.