Personal loot is harmful to the game IMO

Master loot should only exist for tanks tbh. Dps should get personal loot amirite?

And to argue that you point out need before greed which was really only used in leveling dungeons and doesn’t really matter at all?

You didn’t really NEED that item. 2 levels later a quest would reward you something far better, unless we’re talking like, VANILLA, in which case there was an existing solution in game. Blacklisting. Back when servers weren’t merged there were only so many BRD or UBRS groups out there and they’d know the rogue named pysckiller was a ninja and he wouldn’t get invited.

Again, a fantasy that almost never happened. I like how you try to use loot levels NOW to justify something that was removed an expansion ago though.

In reality if masterloot was still around shadowlands loot changes wouldn’t have happened. The disparity between masterloot and non masterloot groups would be so large and the complaints so rampant it would have never hit live.

They were able to hide how terrible these loot changes are because masterloot wasn’t around.

Is this about training dpsers? :dog:
That only applies to pugs, guild dpsers are already trained and very well behaved.

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But it is still (by your own words) working for you.

Despite all those situations, you are downing bosses, having fun, and making friends.

You are a poster child for why the system is good.

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You’re being facetious. Please finish leveling before commenting on end game content.

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Yes that’s why I said “Imagine”

master loot is for people who support modern day slavery.
It is not okay to deny people loot just because they are new to the guild.
They killed the boss with the guild they should be entitled to it .
Humans cannot be trusted to distribute loot fairly


So dungeons have never been used for anything but leveling, not even once in the history of the game?

That guy who ninja’d it because he was going to sell the mats needed it more than me, no doubt. It probably was you. Sure, my ilvl was low. But surely if I waited a week I could get an upgrade. Or some other entitled ninja would roll on loot again so he could disenchant it using my enchanting skill and sell the mats.

I don’t care what you and your small circle of friends did during vanilla, when you ignored the overwhelming majority of players and imagined they didn’t exist, or only existed to be exploited.

“But-but-but think of teh casuals…” he says while pushing a system that never helped casuals.

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In the absense of Democracy, Communism works great. You maintain a job, feed your family, and have basic health care. You’re a poster child for why Communism is good!

First of all, reported for that slavery comment. It’s out of line and you know it.

Second, no, again your entire premise is a fantasy. Trials had gear thrown at them because they were always taken to FARM content. Not progression. Farm content by it’s very nature means people don’t need most of the gear and the trial gets multiple pieces.

I pointing out that your words betray you with contradictions depending on what point you try to make at the time.

That’s why tanks would use masterloot in Stratholme Live to make sure they get their 1 guaranteed righteous orb. Oh look, masterloot fixed the very issue you were complaining about even back in Vanilla!

The forums are a tiny fraction of players. Outside of bug reports using any suggestion from only our voices would be pretty terrible considering you wouldn’t have had feedback from most players, elite or casual.

It’s not out of line it’s called “modern” for a reason. It’s subtle and insidious and a disgusting act of behaviour to use someone to feed your own friends gear.

And to your second comment I urge you to look at a live q and a where they quote trials not getting gear being the reason ML was removed

Edit: okay maybe modern day slavery means something completely different in my head.

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I am sure you mean well, but your experience doesn’t seem to apply to this situation.
We work around the system through mutual trust. The system itself is broken and unnecessary because ML was always option after all.

Of course, but I think it’s probably a good thing if the game is designed in such as way as to reduce possibility space for errors. Like if guilds overwhelmingly use a particular loot system it’s reasonable to expect Blizzard to add UI to support a standardized version that is optional and doesn’t have to be used but does a lot of the heavy lifting should a guild opt to.

Yes! It always surprises me when people talk about trials not getting anything. Even when something a guildie was interested in dropped with trials around we just rolled it off to whoever because it wasn’t gonna be a big deal at that point.


You stated people who prefer master loot support slavery. When you get back from your suspension choose your words with more care next time.

Yes they also stated it was to save the lives of puppy dogs and give candy to children.

The Q & A was only to try to hide a blatant power grab from Blizzard. It’s hilarious you try to use it as an example though.

So you’re using an example where master loot was used to keep casuals from getting valuable mats as an example of how it helped casuals? You should read your posts before you hit ‘Reply’.

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Blizzard stated why they removed it. Saying they removed it for any other reason other than what they stated without any proof proves nothing

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Well this says it all, doesn’t it! :stuck_out_tongue: