Personal Loot in LFR

Why isn’t this a thing? Had a Hunter with 515 rings on rolling on a 480 ring, winning it then was trying to sell it for 50k in the group.



Because of group stacking.

That’s not the fault of group loot. That’s the fault of Blizz allowing cross realm gold trading. Two entirely different problems.


Having a geared player able to roll on low item level rings? Sounds like a group loot issue to me.


But the geared player would also be able to sell the ring in personal loot…

So as Sendryn said, it has nothing to do with the loot system and everything to do with the ability to trade gold cross realm


No, because they’d win it even with personal loot.


they just need to remove the ability to roll on a item that is below your current item track in lfr whether you have that item or not. it doesnt let you roll on items you already have so it should just detect the item lvl of your current thing and not let you roll on downgrades in lfr even if its BIS


I’m not sure why people keep making this suggestion. The drawbacks are obvious and would hurt everybody far worse than the problem it is trying to address.


personal loot in LFR was always a thing. idk why they decided at the end of SL to be like “ok lets add LFR to the new group loot system”


No, they just need to remove trading gold in dungeons and raids (while an item is in the other slot)

and unless a person doesn’t have a higher ilvl of the same item, they can’t roll on it


its LFR its there to let people see the raid and get some crappy starting gear, if you are doing normal / heroic / mythic then other than a set piece you shouldnt need the ability to roll on stuff in lfr if your current things are higher track. im not saying remove your ability to roll on things but if you already have a norm / heroic ring then you shouldnt need lfr rings. only time you would is for rings like the seal rings from VOTI

and if people dont like the idea of limiting the ability to roll on things then just swap it back to personal loot


No they shouldn’t. Some trinkets, necks, rings are BiS even at a lower ilevel. Same with weapons.

There’s no reason to lock people out of loot. There are better ways to gear than LFR.

This. :point_up:


and did you look at the stats on said rings compared to his current ones? Rings are secondary stat sticks and having the correct ones is better than having bad ones at higher Ilvl


might stop people from selling the gear they need on without needing it but then you can just bring up the other factor of people needing on things for pure transmog purposes and preventing others from getting it also.

just works out the same loss for others in the end since youll just have a bunch of people needing on stuff for pure transmog instead, they do need to put a proper limitation on it


So that you can then watch those same people get those lower ilevel pieces you’re so bent out of shape about?


you’re getting bent out of shape over a suggestion

To be fair, they said person tried to auction it for 50k after winning…

So assuming their story is true, I doubt they really cared about the stats.

Still, you are correct. Some of the BiS rings come from raid and can still be an upgrade over higher ilvl pieces…even from LFR.

at least with personal loot its all just crap RNG and people get loot if the stupid system deems it , everyone participates and everyone gets the same crappy chance the system worked even tho it sucked at times

now you can technically just load into lfr with as many people as you want for higher chance to win a piece of loot by rigging it with numbers.

the original problem still stands with loot and the way you can roll on things, which is the major problem with group loot in LFR. take away the gold aspect and theres still 2-3 other problems with being able to need roll on everything


So is group loot.

So is group loot.

And before you could load into LFR with as many people of the same class or armor type and get the same thing— only they’d gear faster, because their loot was all but guaranteed.

There is no problem.


Yea that is pretty crappy of people, just need to disable gold trading in raids will solve that issue.


yet with personal loot you get loot or not, yet with group loot you fight what 10 other people minimum most runs and usually at least 3-4 of them in awakened season dont really need the item. so the problem remains on the ability to just need on everything in lfr

in a new xpac or normal season group loot can work fine because no one runs lfr once they got what they want, with awakened it causes everyone to run it.

at least with personal loot and loading in with a bunch of friends or guildies to share loot it doesnt take away that chance from the other people since it was all the same RNG , its not about gearing up faster its about the fact you can roll on things when you truly dont need them