Personal Favorite Race?

dwarf/DID for alliance

orcs (both) for horde

thats what the vasts majority of my toons are.

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Gnome(specifically female gnomes)

why you ask?

if you were smart you would know this is un-needed because gnomes are perfect in every single way and form v_v.

but i shall answer it none-the-less.

they are adorable.

dont need imposing stature, huge muscles, etc to be feared.

are unequaled in the art of engineering (face the truth you thieving goblins who cant create your own original ideas v_v)

we look good in anything.

we scare cows and they tell their children stories of pvp vs them and no nameplates.

and just to prove the point that gnomes are unmatched beings of perfection…Chromie herself takes the form of us. As the best and most beloved NPC she knows the truth and has seen the future is Gnome.


Sadly are ogres

But they are treated as garbage by blizzard


Females: It’s the running animation. I swear they look like they are going to tip forward and dive head long into the ground. They have a very awkward stride, almost like their legs are taking really short strides compared to their leg length. Almost… Dainty? Its just a bit off putting for me personally.

Oh… well I’m twisting it to Cairne dying for carrying Baine’s worthless butt for so long.

Night Elves. Yes, I am a masochist.

I find them unique among fantasy elves-- They are nocturnal, reject arcane magic, fight with brutality instead of poise, etc… Their druidic culture, the natural of wisps… The matriarchal aspect of their society is interesting too. I appreciate how they aren’t really derived from any real world culture so it makes them distinctly “WoW”. There is no more iconic zone for me than Teldrassil. I mean, running around in a country-sized tree finding wisps and grell and tree monsters, with all that music?



Imagine being so butt-blasted about Baine that you see him even in jokes that have nothing to do with him.

What’s that like?

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I know I said undead earlier, but if I could play any race in WoW it would be Like Gul’dan. I love the necromancer role. Second I would be like sylvanas, A banshee.

its orcs, and you can play then



yes, but you cannot play like Gul’dan, or Sylvanas. I wish you could.

I’m still holding out for Thin Kul’tirans.

I want a human female model based off the undead to play a drust witch with SO BADLY!!!

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First, everything is more interesting when it’s undead, that’s just a fact. But more than that, the Forsaken LOOK how someone cursed with an eternity of undeath should look. They’re not pretty, pale humans (except for major lore characters, apparently), they are ACTIVELY ROTTING. The pain and misery of their existence is plain to see in their every tiny motion.

Why do they hate the living? Just look at them for five minutes, and imagine suffering like that and KNOWING it will absolutely last FOREVER. All they have left is hate!

And, finally, I cannot forget to mention Cannibalism. From the usefulness in a pinch, to the fantastic animation, to the oh-so-deliciously-spiteful way to show an Ally Player how badly they lost, it truly is my favorite skill in the game.

Power to the Forsaken!


I don’t get why you would want to carry that thing on your back…

you can dude, Gul’dan is an orc warlock lol

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The point is that you can’t play a thin crotchety orc

I get what you are saying, but you cannot play an orc with the skillset of gul’dan is what I am saying. Just like you cannot be an banshee.

Best race is Orcs. It’s just too bad that all the good hair is restricted to Mag’hars. I prefer them to be green like the space aliens they are. :frowning:

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Anything besides an elf or a zombie. But personally fem pandas are the best.

he is not thin, and you can still be hunched, just like him

you can throw fel fire, suck souls, summon demons, infernals, you can’t be exactly like him, but you can be just like him

Banshee is another thing completely different, gul’dan is an orc warlock but with more power