Personal Favorite Race?

Tauren for the Horde and Probably Draenei for the Alliance. Must be the hooves…


Easily Undead for me.

Forsaken for me, love the starting area so much, and i think they are really misunderstood

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Elves in general no particular flavor of them, as not all versions of Elves seen in the game are as yet playable.

lol Vadimier’s beard is much whiter than Bronzebeard beards. That’s how I’ve always been able to tell. I have a little bit of beard envy going on. :smiley: The two of you have really awesome mogs. :+1: :+1:

lol Might as well share my warrior.

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That’s a cool axe you’re using there. I’m going to have to go farm it up now.

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Personal favorite for Alliance would have to be Dwarves. Feel like they’re just traditionally so badass that just makes me want to play one

Horde: Definitely the Zandalari Trolls. But if we’re going for playable races out at this very moment I’d have to say Orcs just simply from a lore perspective.


Night elf.

Why thank you! Best of luck in your farming. :smiley:

Alliance non-voidy High Elves. Pitty they’re not playable… yet.

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Orc, obviously. But mainly due to the history of the race and what they’ve been through.

Alliance wise…Humans. I know it sounds lame, but one of the things that in any fantasy RPG always makes me like humanity so much is mainly due to how they overcome things in shorter life spans and how it seems they tend to have to work harder to obtain power (magic and strength wise) versus other races.

I know my Human explanation is longer, but I always make that point just because it’s more interesting to explain.

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I don’t know if they’re my ‘favorite’, but I’ve never met a Dwarf I didn’t like.

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AMEN to that my friend.

Orcs. If only I could roll an Orc Boomkin…

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My 12 toons (1 of each classe)
NE 3
BE 3
Draenei 2
Human 2
Worgan 1
Tauren 1
I made others and once had an Orc at max level, but abandoned the other races over time.

anything but Blood Elves…

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Zandalari Trolls, the 6 months of waiting has really appealed to me.

Dwarves, for the same reasons you mentioned about lore/culture/attitudes, etc. They’re good folks, they’re crass, they push ahead with technology, they’ve got Indiana Jones type of adventures, the Bronzebeard brothers are a hoot to quest for, Moira has really flipped the script and made a name for herself, and so on. I cannot tell you how bored I was as a priest during Legion, that temple I visited daily was based on the draenei. Moira just stood there for quest turn ins. Couldn’t even have her as an optional follower for fun. I was not spoiled ahead of time when the class mounts came out. I wasn’t enthusiastic, but once I started the adventure and realized it was dwarven/titan themed, THAT WAS THE BEST TIME I EVER HAD.

My next favorite, although I don’t play them, are gnomes. Great can-do attitude, wonderful inventions, always have our backs, etc. I wish we could give them more real estate in Ironforge if they’re not going to have their own city after all this time. (Thought we’d help them take Gnomeregan back, but it didn’t work out that way.)

After that are the goblins (which I do play horde-side). I love their obnoxiousness, their over-the-top inventions, their open disdain to being environmentally conscious. They’re just crazy! Lots of fun.


8 way tie between blood elves, Forsaken, trolls, orcs, tauren, goblins, Pandaren, and nightborne.

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Goblins are number one, Orcs and Trolls a close second.

I only play Dwarves on Alliance, as they are the best Alliance race.