Permanently Untargetable With Hearthstone Table

If you log out while standing in a table created by hearthstone table toy and the table despawns while you are logged out, you become permanently phased and are unable to be targeted by mobs. This includes M+ instances. Nothing can target you, and you can run past all mobs.

And now they are using this to kill players in Warmode… they are invisible and untargetable and the guards do nothing to the players…

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This needs more attention. Idiots are using it to grief WQ’s in WM.

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When is Blizz going to do something about this?

BigNatures and his idiot buddies exploit the table EVERYDAY!


As of today, this bug has not been fixed yet.
I report Cheat players in the game every day, but useless. If this continues, more and more players will exploit bugs.
I come from Asia, and server in Asia have been destroyed by these players. If the same thing happens to server in the Americas, I can only give up WoW.