Permanent wrath classic servers

Thanks bro. Glad you liked it.


I thought it was pretty cool also.

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And what are you gonna do zinkari if people don’t stop posting about wrath classic?

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Why are you and zaalg so obsessed with the fact that these players have " New accounts".

Like and. Your point is? lol. Like so. So what? Yo momma.

Also, why the heck you lookin at them beep. The play is on the freakin stage.

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They’re just pointing out that it’s likely the new accounts are sock puppets to make it appear there is more support for wrath era than there actually is.

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And what bloody proof do you have of that?

Some of these new accounts probably never felt the need to post until right now.
Like sock puppet my butt. The only sock puppets are the puppets currently playing cata classic. And being completely against having a permanent wrath realm or any other options for that matter. That is the dumbest thing ever.

Like I personally don’t support going forward without having any options of staying backwards if we bloody want to. That is stupid.


Like I could say the same thing about the pro cata folks. They are sock puppets to. Their sock puppet narcissist andy attitudes are being supported. While the objective permanent wrath classic players, the few left anyways, are the ones being left in the dust.

Like seriously. Anyone who doesn’t want to have more options in this game are narcissistic as all heck. Like were all just a bunch of andies. Just andies who want different things.

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You could but there’s nothing to hang that accusation onto. While you have new posters who just joined the forums 2 days ago posting on low level characters like about level 17 and who only post on wrath era threads. It’s just likely someone like that is an alt of a long term poster here.


It doesn’t matter if they are a long term poster or not lol. Like who cares about that balogna.

This is litteraly the first time I have ever felt like blowing up the forums.

At the same time, feywaif, you are just in the majority, preying on the minorities, in this case the wrath classic era folks. The smaller communities. I just see that as the absolute definition of narcissism. Of course we aren’t going to win fights against you. We can try though lol. Like why don’t you guys fight people your own size or something.

Blizzard brought the fight to begin with. By not handing permanent wrath classic players for the small communities. And I say, let the games begin. Let’s take the fight, to not only blizzard. But to the larger communities within blizzard. And just block or deny anything they say. We have the right to play our favorite versions of the game. Just like you all have every right to keep playing and going forward with the future of the game and never looking back.

And the cata classic players are sock puppets to. Why? Because they don’t question anything. And they can’t stand anyone wanting different experiences and different permanent versions of the game. They expect everyone to just, go along with everything. That’s what sock puppets do in my op.

Most people I know in the classic wrath communities. They didn’t all just start suddenly start complaining. I never complained during the entirety of classic in fact. I didn’t even complain on the forums decades ago. I litteraly started complaining once blizzard denied the right to play permanent wrath classic servers anymore. And that’s What I would chalk the new accounts posting up to. Just people who have never posted before. But now are mad because permanent wrath classic servers aren’t happening. Which is completely valid in my op.


Blizzard has already answered this question when the game transferred from tbc to wrath and they confirmed that answer when wrath transferred to cata.


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It is blizzards products that you have a right to play. They have a right to do what they want to do with the product they are providing.

They saw the failure of keeping classic servers was and decided not to repeat the same failure with tbc and wrath servers as is their right.

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Well, it is my right as a paying customer to complain about the product then now isn’t it? Lol. And I am not satisfied, and I think blizz should provide the permanent wrath classic server era product.

Now, most folks would just tell you to unsub. Which is traditional. But it’s a narcissist approach in my op. A way of shutting me down. But, I have every, single right as a customer to complain about a product that this company has or doesn’t have.

I mean, that’s it. I don’t get why so many people think that the people who don’t have permanent wrath classic servers from blizzard, who aren’t satisfied, think we shouldn’t complain. Like we have every right to do so.

People might get sick of it. But I am sick of you stupid people to. And I can complain about not having permanent wrath classic servers all I want to.

Also, I am satisfied with other aspects of blizzard. Like dragonflight was pretty lit. We have the next expansion coming around. Vanilla era is cool. Evokers are cool. But not having permanent wrath classic servers is stupid, and I am just voicing my complaints.

Report them for spam as it violates the forum CoC.

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Umm, it is in no way spam lol. It’s basically saying, hey blizzard. Could we get permanent wrath classic servers.

Only narcissists and weak people report people for saying things they don’t agree with or for saying things they don’t like. Narcissistic karens are the only folks who do that.

And at the same time, what did you people expect? It’s about permanent wrath classic servers. So, why would anyone on the other side expect those people to just accept defeat. Like oh well guys. Guess we aren’t getting wrath classic servers. Like only the stupid people could possibly expect that everyone on the pro permanent wrath classic servers would just, go away. And never be heard from again. Like, just stupid if anyone thought that is what would happen.

That’s not for you to decide. These aren’t your forums. Creating duplicate threads is spam.

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Ok bro. And what did you think would happen bro? You just expected the permanent wrath classic server andies, to just, disapear. Because you and millions of others told them to or whatever. Like were telling blizz on you. Ok. Cool. And I would report you all for being bullies.

Don’t know what else to say. Because permanent wrath era players. Well, they still want freakin permanent wrath classic servers. And so, will probably still keep complaining about it until that happens. If you and several others can’t handle all that complaining. I dunno at that point what to tell you all.

To follow the forum CoC and stick to one thread instead of creating duplicate threads.

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Well, when people feel like they aren’t being heard, they spam louder and louder and louder. And make more and more threads.

Is it illegal. I guess. But I would be a fool to believe that anyone on the other side were anything but legal. Hypocritical as heck to believe that.

Like, the people on the pro cata side, need to stop acting like they are the better side of the coin. Because they aren’t. Just as illegal as the rest of us. They are just the momma’s boys and girls. Tellin mom if anyone dares step out of line.

Like seriously. Don’t tell us what we can’t complain about. Or how many threads we can make on said complaints. It’s the dumbest thing ever.

Like oh, the permanent wrath classic players are annoying. Spamming all the time. You people are just as illegal and annoying. No doubt. LIke none of you are legal in the slightest.

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And they also get their forum posting privileges revoked.

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I mean, it isn’t really spam at all. I see maybe 3 active permananent wrath classic server threads so far. I mean, that’s it. To me, not really a big deal.

I mean, if you are going to report people. Do it already. Like there is nothing wrong with asking and protesting for permanent wrath classic servers in my op. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just being stupid in my op.

LIke omg blizzard. They keep complaining. And like, posting in multiple threads on like, the same topic. And like, it’s annoying. Like you people are annoying to. Am I the only one who sees how stupid that sounds. Calling momma blizzard because pro wrath classic players won’t stop posting about a topic that they care about. Again, you aren’t going to get anyone to do that. People who feel like permanent wrath classic servers should get made. You aren’t gonna stop them from posting about how strongly that they feel about it.

Just like I won’t be able to get rid of you pro cata classic players and your opinions either. Not even really fighting that. But it makes no sense to constantly ask pro wrath classic players to stop spamming their opinions. But, I know I won’t get that to stop either. And I know I can’t stop you from reporting people either. Even though I find it hypocritical and petty and downright stupid.

Seen some pretty dumb things being spammed by the pro cata classic crowd to. Like don’t forget the part where you people were jerks. But I won’t report because I am not a massive karen. Like oh no. Were being illegal. Someone tattle momma blizzard on us. It’s pretty stupid. Like you people are just as illegal and just as annoying as we are. Plain and simple.

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