Permanent Faeline Stomp Reset

Faeline stomp should have a chance to reset WITHOUT standing on top of it.
It’s such a pretty spell and feels really satisfying when you get resets but it feels so lackluster (output-wise) and having to stand within the bounds (which you have no way of truly knowing if you’re within) is really frustrating at times. There really is no reason to be night fae when necro is essentially the much safer and easier way to do a higher amount of output.
There’s no reason faeline stomp has a ground effect other than to get the monk to try to stand around in, but that often gets covered up by other mob abilities, ally abilities, and just general environmental textures.
It would feel more satisfying if faeline stomp did some ground pulse damage effect like the warrior one but I understand if that’s too similar.
Ultimately, just let faeline stomp be this pseudo skill-shot based ability for monk, then let the focus of it be the debuff uptime from the legendary effect that we’ll be getting in the patch.


Having to stand on top of it was the real reason I never bothered with that entire covenant. No way anyone stands near the same spots in PvP

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I would also like to add, even when playing the night fae legendary, Fae Harmony, half the mobs who are slightly hovering above the ground are sometimes unaffected and don’t get the 8% damage increase debuff. It’s sort of frustrating when you’re trying to stand in the faeline, fish for resets all while dodging certain mechanics, and then finally have a reset, stomp, and the mob just straight up doesn’t get affected.
It’s not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things when it’s only a 30 sec cooldown, but it feels really really nice when it does reset and you can somehow get some value out of it.
The whole standing within the faeline after just getting a reset is what makes it not fun. It’s such a pretty spell and feels nice to press. It’s fun to get resets and make new ‘sparks’ on the ground. It’s not fun knowing you have to stand wherever the line ends up going and not even being sure if you’re standing in it.

So again, make it always have a chance to reset :slight_smile:
If that makes it too ‘strong’, they can normalize the niya stacks you can ramp from it: baseline a non-stacking 8 Grove Invigoration.
Make it a fun, simple, straightfoward skill shot that debuffs the mobs for a few seconds and can reset wherever you may be :slight_smile:

Stand on things is really bad for any non tank spec and only bad for tanks.

I make hunters and druids cry :[

As a last little endeavor, although I’m sure it’s too late, it would be awesome/easy to see this changed…

At the end Faeline Stomp, the spell description, it reads:
“Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while fighting on a faeline.”

They could easily change that description to:
“Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp.”

As a note, Night Fae monk has been one of the ‘least viable’ covenants for all monk specs for the entire expansion for all content.

For PvP,
Windwalkers usually play necro and sometimes kyrian.
Mistweavers, although with a rocky start, ended up having necro and venthyr as their best.

For M+,
Windwalkers, especially now, necro, and maybe kyrian before.
Mistweavers, especially now, have venthyr for their best.
Brewmasters have been kryian for a while but people are finding success in necro now, too.

Anyways, just a last little nod out to night fae monk before the end of the expansion. I would’ve really loved to play this covenant and the ability if it was easier to play. On top of the fact it’s just annoying a lot of times, it really doesn’t do anything. The damage and healing are just ‘meh’. The biggest use now is for the debuff you get from the legendary, so it would, again, be really nice if the ability revolved around the skill-shot component of the ability instead of the positioning constraint for a melee class.


There’s a torghast power that does that.