Permanent Combat bug - Mechagon

This has happened with a number of mobs on Mechagon, but this is the most recent. After dropping aggro with a Areal Enforcer XZ-9, I remained in a permanent state of combat. No matter how far I travel on foot this does not end. Usually have to Alt-F4 out of the game and wait a few minutes for it to fix itself.


Can second that this happens, couldn’t notice any correlation on specific mobs. One day I just gave up and walked by foot absolutely everywhere on the island for the entire day.

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Several of us had this tonight after a rare fight. We hearthed out and came back without being in combat. We mounted and fought another rare, all stuck in combat, again. Took the sub back to Zuldazar, and then returned, got on our mounts, but the second we dismounted we had the combat bug, again, without actually having even aggro’ed anything. I had tried disabiling all Addons, too. Suggestions?


Came here to post the same issue.

Rares frequently leave me stuck in combat. 3 out of 5 last night so its not 100%.

Even if I run to the coast ie half the zone is not enough distance to drop aggro.

On at least one fight I carefully checked the ground near the rare post fight nothing visibly with aggro on me, No critters that might have aggroed me and still show as neutral.

I know legion used to have issues with neutral critters that could not leave the water but I can’t see anything like that.

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I usually do a /sit for about a minute and that will usually drop combat if its due to the aerial units.

im getting so frustrated with this BS issue. i get stuck in combat on my sham doesnt matter the spec or gear i just get stuck in combat on ONE DARN THING and i cant do anything except hearth out (which if i was truely stuck in combat i couldnt even be able to do that). all ways while im using the freaken jet pack. im so sick of this crap which is sad cause i love doing the mechagon WQs.

You can’t even log off! I had to port to Nazjatar just to exit the game.

We pay $15 every month for this. Free games work better than this garbage.


Same happening here on multiple toons. The issue isn’t just in Mechagon, nor related to rares, but also happening in Tiragarde Sound with normal mobs. Hearth is only in-game remedy; otherwise have to force close the game. ETA on fixing this please!

It really seems to happen when people leave the main island and go to west spray.

Some of my guild discovered that the Mechagon punch cards will cause this to happen.

I don’t use the computational device and still have gotten stuck in combat 30+ times. Yesterday had to do my dailies again, for the second time, without being able to mount or use a anti-gravity pack, very annoying.

So, found something interesting while doing dailies. The upgraded sentry mobs seem to be at least assisting the problem. After killing some today, I noticed that while they were dead, they continued to make combat noises, and my aggro color in-game was dependent upon my range of their bodies. So it seems like they have some weird bug where they aren’t properly dying.

Edit: Was able to produce this on multiple characters with 100% success rate, the sentries are definitely not actually dying and are just dropping to the ground “dead” but still performing actions.

Checking in - I’m experiencing this bug now. Only hearthing fixes it in-game, otherwaise it’s alt-f4 and wait for awhile

Can confirm issue still occuring. Shadow meld helped but still quite annoying considering how frequently these zones makes you use Shadow meld.