Perma ban gold buyers

Why doesnt blizzard do this?
It would solve everything

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I don’t think anyone would oppose you on this.

However I don’t think this will have the impact you are looking for, especially not with wow token and burner accounts being a thing.

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If you think Wrath is bleeding players now oh boy after they ban gold buyers it’s gonna be a real ghost town.


I can’t believe they banned my burner account I spent $15 on!

Real thing they need to do is close this loophole and illegal gold demand will fall accordingly because people won’t want to risk their main account.

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no it wouldnt, they should have been doing it from classic phase 1 launch however for sure, it’d have curbed a lot of it. But that costs too much money for them in subs.

You should really rethink your thought processes, its players emergent behaviour that is causing these issues, expecting blizzard to perform “miracles” and solve them ( i mean, i could have kept the entirety of OCE servers clean of bots and gold farmers by myself if i was given the job as an actual job, but thats another discussion), is delusional, you need to redesign the game to prevent this RMT-culture.

Turtle wow has no rmt problems because they perma ban buyers

I’m going to buy gold and tell them to mail it to your account. Cya

Funny if this would work, but since you have to actually accept the mail to complete the transaction, all they would have to do is report it from the mail tab and they are in the clear.

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It probably would work for a while at least. I don’t have much faith in Blizzard customer service, and if someone gets some gold in the mail I doubt they turn it down unless they know.

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thanks for the laugh Psycho, poorservers are riddled with RMT worse than even classic. And they always have been.

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They shouldn’t even go after gold traders so long as bots exist. Bots should be # 1 priority. Get back to me when I can do ONE BG and not have ANY bots on my team. Hasn’t happened in a LONG time, and I don’t expect it to happen anytime soon.

Because it’s profitable for them to ban gold sellers. They then buy another account. Rinse and repeat. It’s not a hard thing to figure out. Blizzard is about making money, not losing it.

They should also ban whoever received the gold. Im sure blizzard has a way of tracking large transfers of gold.

The 1 month slap on the wrist suspension is not good enough.

They need to permaban, ipban, credit card ban gold buyers.

I am sure they do. But there is probably enough benefit of the doubt that they do nothing.

A guild bank receives the bought gold. Not an individual. Once that happens it’s in the wind. They could track it I am sure, but not as easy as just banning the person who sold it and the account that bought it on.

Also, now that buying gold is legal, I don’t think banning gold buyers will make any difference in the long run.

Why not both?

If you are against permabanning gold buyers then you are probably one.

Most people who buy gold do so through a dummy account. Why wouldn’t they? They get more gold for less money than buying a token, so they have more than enough gold to keep their main and dummy accounts going off tokens, and if their dummy account gets banned big whoop just set up another one

Banning gold buyers alone won’t solve the issue. It won’t even treat the issue. It’s just mowing weeds without touching the roots

So true bestie.

The roots are the buyers. If there were no buyers botting wouldnt be a problem. No demand = no supply

Did you…not read what I said at all? Banning the buyers does nothing because all that’s getting banned is their dummy account that can just be set back up in seconds

Credit card ban them then?