Perma ban for gold buyers please

Wow this is a new topic. Never been posted before

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They won’t ban bots, you want them to bans the legitimate players? Lol

I remember back in 05 you used to get a 6 month ban for RMTs. The 3 day thing is def a slap in the face. Should be at least 2 weeks to a month to discourage people more.

this^^^^^^^ farming is aids in tbc

China Classic got WoW tokens. I dont see why we cant since I am getting mail at least once a day linking me to a gold site. One even sent me a full gold coin when they linked me to their site so I took the gold and reported them for spam. :slight_smile:

yeah, and if you love it so much whys it not 60 get onto it!

You can legitimately buy gold from Blizzard.

It just takes a little bit of risk. You buy you tokens on Retail and then find someone to trade you for the gold on you TBCC server and you give them the gold on Retail… Some risk but their are whole Discords dedicated to this legitimate practice of acquiring gold in TBC

Post from reddit on this. Apparently someone was banned for doing something similar. Also, that is crazy risky. Even if a discord is doing that, all it takes is for one person to go sour and you’re out of all your gold and blizz will not do anything about it. It’s unsupported. I would 10000% not do that even if a discord said it’s “100% safe.” Absolutely not.

It’s reddit so take it with a grain of salt (it’s also what appears to be EU and their TOS I assume is the same as ours or very similiar).

You might want to read that thread… .Also per blizzard it is LEGAL (not supported if your scammed though)

Can’t believe the Thunderhoof Tribe went to that cesspool known as Grobbulus. I am shocked :astonished: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Still wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t want to be on the otherside if a GM took it as an RMT trade and went and did something like what happened to the OP of that thread. They see massive amounts of gold being shuffled around, especially after the new boosting update, they could look at it as suspected RMT activity and throw down the ban hammer.

I know the TOS stated on the blizzard support article, but GMS have said things were against the rules without updating the support pages too. (This was before the update recently)

This is where the “new accounts made for the soul purpose of advertising” bit was added on. It was an unannounced change made that wasn’t added to their support page. If the OP is indeed correct on that (in the reddit post), it’s extremely risky.

Could always put in a ticket too and ask never hurts.

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