"Perhaps now the Horde will see that, too."

On the PTR, Jaina apparently says this (I assume to the Alliance PC?):

Anyone else feel like that’s the devs talking directly to the playerbase?

"How can you not all be on board with the ‘raid Sylvanas’ movement yet? And why don’t you love Baine?"


This is completely off topic, but reading this gave me a thought.

Is Sylvanas aware of the relationship that was between Jaina and Arthas?

If not, I wonder show she might react if she learned, especially if she reasoned that Jaina was one of the few people who could have stopped Arthas before he went Scourge.


That might make Sylvanas look sympathetic and Jaina look bad, so it won’t happen.


But according to Jaina was not the horde all monsters? :thinking:


No … because there is no way in hell Sylvanas is going to die for a Warchief position she was forced into, but will exploit until she can’t anymore. At WORST she’ll lose her one extra life that she has left by the end of BfA to really make her desperate and send her off the deep-end; but even that might be unlikely. If it happens, it might happen in a raid, but its not like she’ll die permanently from it.

Beyond that, the chances that she turns out to be the “Laughing Shepard” from Ogmot’s visions are getting higher and higher with each patch. Hey, turns out, the Lady who made a name for herself using the Horde in an “Alliance of Convenience” might actually still be using us; and being forced to take a job she’ll use (but never wanted) won’t magically change her to care for the Horde.

Also, its Jaina. The ONE Horde member she has a positive relationship with still is Baine. Of COURSE she’s going to say crap like that when it comes to him. Hell, Baine got brownie points from me for being the person to actually call Sylvie on her BS about not giving a crap about Forsaken “Free Will” (spoilers, its optional); and Jaina got brownie points from for me for someone finally having the guts to say “screw her stupid tragic past, she’s a straight up monster now” (that’s LONG overdue).


So, you’re basically here to say “Jaina is right and we should all listen to her”?

Fine, that’s your opinion. But does it strike you as the devs talking to the players?


The Uncrowned are taking down Sylvanas. Some guy mentioned Garona and Voss and how they all in the Hordes war campaign trying to get close to Sylvanas on her good side etcetera and it made light bulbs pop off in my head. Least that’s what I’m thinking (aside from Arbys)

ANyways nah I don’t think it’s the devs talking to the player tbh I mean we can’t just start taking anything a char says and act like it’s the devs speaking to the players.


Sylvanas says stuff too!

Lets see the eager posts believing Blizzard means THAT is the true narrative, as the Old Horde and Alliance opinions are tossed aside as rubbish …

Yeah…no. Maybe it is just the opinion of the character.


Idk, they know plenty of Horde players were done with Sylvanas after Teldrassil. I think this is just some crap Jaina would say. She wouldn’t know there are other Horde members upset with Sylvanas, and would assume the worst of them…that they’re all onboard (except Baine ofc).

Talking to Horde, or Alliance players?

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Could be either one. Either they’re counting (correctly) on Horde players hearing about what Jaina said, or it’s meant to be an insider “Hey, Horde players crazy, amirite?” between Alliance folks.

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More like “Why don’t you hate Sylvanas yet? We’re running out of Villan Bats!”


I think Baine is just a little weird, he doesn’t seem fazed about the Burning of Teldrassil or the Blight used en masse in Darkshore and Lordaeron, but is very disturbed and shocked by the raising of one dead Kul Tiran human whom he has no real connection to.


i am on board 100 percent with the make this warchief into a loot pinata again movement. MTWIALPA hats should be made at the earliest possible convenience.


Blizzard never runs out of villain bats.


I am completely on board for Baine to be killed by a lowly Voidwalker and have Gallywix become Warchief.


If it’s not Sylvanas, I’m on board too.

Blizzard is trying way to hard to push Saurfang and Baine.

People side with Sylvanas for 2 simple reason. they are fans or are tired of the Horde civil war bullcrap and dont want to repeat Cata/MoP by losing another warchief.


That ship has sailed the moment Teldrassil burned - and a thousand Rezans couldn’t blow a wind strong enough for your sails to catch it.

We ARE losing another warchief - that is a given. Question is how.


if you believe that then you are already lost.