
Is there currently an issue right now with NVIDIA cards and performances from an update? Possibly a game update? I’m starting to have stuttering on a 2070 super with the most up to date drivers and current patch? Was wondering if this was a driver issue or a game issue if anyone’s recently had trouble and found a way to fix it some tips would help, thanks.

I can’t answer your question, but I can tell you that I have a Nvidia card and I currently can not log in at all. The realm list shows everything ‘incompatible’.

I am having the same issue, even with game settings on low, going from 60fps --> 20fps every couple of minutes.

That means you need to update the game.

Would rolling back the drivers help?

I have a 2080 and everything up2date on the side note of my video card driver. the line from 445 and above has had some serious issues and I have made a lot of post encouraging people to read the driver release notes for their Nvidia cards, I personally recommend you to go get DDU and install the NON DCH driver 442.50 or 442.59, yes it will say it is out of date but it is a stable high performing driver with little to NO issues. Mind you I am not like trying to be mean I just feel bad that Nvidia is pushing such crap drivers. I hope this helps you out a bit. I will link my other post for you to save you some read time and searching.

The ddu link in that post is out dated now however the newest one is here.

Good luck!

P.s. People on 3k RTX cards My best advice for you is to use 457.51.