Flickering waterfalls

Not sure if bug or technical issue, but every single waterfall in Kul Tiras is flickering in and out of existence.

First thing I checked was my video driver. It’s up to date.

Any other ideas?

Are you on 452.06 or higher if it is an nvidia card? It is a known issue atm with flickering and on the driver release notes, You can go back to 442.50 or wait for an update.

Click windows 10 issues, page 10 or 14 I can’t remember. If you are on AMD card what driver release are you on?

It’s the most recent Nvidia driver. Not at my desk atm to check.

I had flickering rocks a while back and updated to fix that, but now I’ve got flickering waterfalls.

I’ll try rolling back the driver in a bit.

My whole screen flickers when entering a or leaving bgs or healthing. Woeful… Never so much lag and framerate loss . Blizzard knew when they were merging these servers they would have problems and done NOTHING to make sure to combat the problem before they merged them.

Ok I just looked at those release notes and the flickering was mentioned involving SLI, which I am not running.

I can try rolling back the driver, see if that helps.

Edit, can’t roll back the driver meaning I never had the old drivers on this pc. Must have been my old computer(also Nvidia card) that I updated. Oops.

Might just wait it out. Not making me sick or anything, just annoying.

So you uninstall the nvidia driver and software and then install the version you want. This process does not depend on having had an earlier version installed.

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Here’s some good info:


Do this, first what is your video card?
Next get DDU from here: https://www.wagnardsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3271

Then download your STAND ALONE DRIVER from here select it from the list Verison 442.50: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us

Flickering has been on going for a while and with Winver 2004 it has gotten worse but this driver has been really really stable. I myself had issues and assisted a few others experiencing what you are now.
See here:
Texture Flickering - #19 by Dokkan-stormrage and here
Strange graphical flickering - #16 by Caterpepi

Best solution I have found is to go back to 442.50 It performs really well in comparison to most drivers anyway which you can read here if you like: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/fgan4g/nvidia_44250_whql_driver_performance_benchmark/

vs another driver here : https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/g4pbaz/nvidia_44587_whql_driver_performance_benchmark/

When using DDU be sure to unplug your net before you restart in safe mode because if not windows will auto install a driver then you are stuck with DCH and must get the NVCP from the windows store, personally I don’t like the store being an insider it gives me a lot of issues lol. So steps as follows:

  1. Unplug net after downloading drivers and DDU or go into device manager and network selection and disable wifi/ethernet adapters.

  2. hit your windows key and type in msconfig hit enter, select boot tab and click safe boot hit apply and ok it will ask you to reboot, do so it will take you into safe mode. When you do this you will need your pin/pw to your account if you don’t know it make a temporary admin account for the machine before doing this.

  3. after being booted into safe mode extract DDU and open it but do not run it yet. It is important that you re-open msconfig or you can find yourself in a boot loop of safe mode, so just re-open msconfig like above and back to boot tab check and uncheck the safe mode box, hit apply and ok but do not restart yet.

  4. Go back to DDU window and select GPU from the right drop down box. select clean and restart. Doing this it will remove Nvidia drivers and traces and then reboot your machine.

  5. once rebooted your resolution might be wonky and or abnormally large this is normal. From here go to your downloads folder and select the driver 442.50 and install it. Base driver IMO ONLY not the GFE(geforce experience) So you would want to select Driver only and let it install.

  6. Optional maybe, sometimes drivers want you to reboot after installation, this is good practice to perform. I would do it regardless, But before you do either replug in your net and or go back to device manager and re-enable your ethernet/wi-fi connection so your net works when it comes back.

Lastly log back into wow and see if the flickering still occurs in my case it did not. nor a lot of others. However each case can be very unique in how it got there. I do know that if you go to the Nvidia forums they will have you do these exact steps, and then some! feel free to look and gather on your own though I am only trying to assist you.

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Thanks! I’ve never actually used a driver uninstaller so this’ll be fun.

Hopefully they fix this soon though.