Perfectia's Surgery

(Trying to tell this story without all the smut has been a bit of a challenge, but I thought I would try to explain how Perfectia Dawnlight body and skill, came to light. Fair warning it was inspired by Halo.)

Dr Olisarra did a few tests on my hips and legs to check flexibility and strength but when she applied a strong amount of pressure it still hurt. I was trying to stop myself from screaming, but eventually my voice escaped. She sighed, “That’s what I thought.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked concerningly.

“Well, the good news is we can discharge you, you should be able to walk, run, and function normally.” She paused and looked away.

“There’s bad news?”

She nodded, “The bad news is that your hips bones have too many microfractures and are too big for your body. Your body can’t make the muscles or body fat to protect you if you take a hit. It is possible we can fix your hips again but if you have an accident out there by yourself or with a party, well, you’ll be putting their lives and yours at risk.”

I laughed slightly, “All because of one or two strikes with an axe?”

She looked at me strangely, “You do know you were pregnant for a little while, right?”

I only nodded, yes, but it was the first time I’ve heard about it.

She sighed as she seemed to be remembering back, “Velen had to make a hard decision to save your life or the child’s and we concluded that even if you were in perfect health, it would have been extremely difficult for you to birth a Draenei half-breed. I remembered seeing you four months in and it looked like it was getting too big for you. So, it wasn’t just the strike from Gorehowl, the child you were carrying was slowly killing you, making it impossible for your hip bones to mend. We did what we had to and from there we had to start reconstructive surgery and we were not prepared to put bones back together, while trying to preserve reproductive organs, and digestive tract tissue.” She looked away and scratched the back of her neck, “There were other complications, fever-” …That was the only thing I understood, but there was a long list of medical jargon that sounded bad, and then she said… “I was uncertain that you were going to survive, but you got through it, in spite of all the mistakes I made and…” She laughed slightly, “You must have known that you couldn’t go back to the life of a soldier, didn’t you?”

I rolled my eyes at the statement, “I’ve been like this for almost two years now, because you and Velen couldn’t do the job right? Wasn’t Anduin Wrynn’s body smashed to pieces and he was up and running without even so much as a cane. You’re telling me you can’t fix me?” I scoff, “I had a feeling I might be pregnant, but I didn’t know for sure, and the only thing I could respond to was that you save my child.”

“I TIRED!!” She screamed at me angrily, “Velen did what he could, but let’s face it, he didn’t care about you.” She sighed, “He cared about Anduin though and he made sure I didn’t make any mistakes with him, he trained and retrained me in everything so I wouldn’t make the same mistakes I made with you.” She looked away and remembered back, “I’ve hated you so much everytime you come in here for more pills, physical therapy, or the inflammation caused by that stupid witch that was trying to hollow you out.” She looked at me and I had to look away, “Your relationships are your business, for so long I’ve been too stupid to do anything. When you were brought to me nearly ripped in half, I was terrified, I didn’t know what to do but wait for Velen. All I knew how to do was stop the bleeding and keep you sedated. I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t know what would happen if I tried and failed. And I failed… Every time I see you, I just keep getting reminded over and over that I failed.” She had tears in her eyes, “I hate you so much. ”

I hugged her while she cried and I nodded, “I’m sorry Cadence… I know you’ve been doing your best.” I kissed the top of her head, “Just do what you can and whatever it is, I trust you. If you want to make my lower body look like a Mechanostrider I’d be okay with that.”

She laughed. “I don’t think I would have to go that far… Velen gave me books from Argus, but their technology doesn’t exist here, but I found similar books in Karazhan and learned how to use magic to bridge the gap in place of technological advances.”

I held her still, “Okay.”

“I will fix you; I’ll make it my life’s work if I have to.” She shook her head and sighed, "We would have to smash your pelvic bones again to reform them, and it would be risky, there are main arteries, and… " She paused, leaned away from me, looked at me strangely, and she laughed slightly.

“What’s so funny?” I was asking a few times, but it took a solid five minutes or ten of deep thought before I got a response from her.

“I just had an idea.” She finally said when she came out of her trance. She looked away and smiled, "What if we didn’t break and reform your bones, but we added. We could inject your glutes with protein and put your body fat into your buttocks. That would protect you from damaging your major arteries. You would have to exercise quite a bit and you might look a little odd. "

I looked side to side at both of my legs, “I’ve always been told before that my hips were wide for an elf.”

She shook her head panicky, and her eyes opened wide, “No, this is going to be huge. You’re going to look freakishly big when you’re done with the procedure and even after you recover you might look strange for the rest of your life.”

I nodded eagerly, “But I’ll be able to fight again.”

She nodded, “Yeah, there was a procedure that I had to do on Anduin, and I think with some modifications… I think I’m just going to trust my creative instinct.”

I smiled and nodded, “That sounds good.”

So, instead of going under the knife, I went into another experimental procedure. Isirami apologized a hundred times as I was in the hospital bed, and I was fed more high sugar and high fat contained food than I’ve ever eaten. While it was painful for the first few weeks, not being able to sit down, I was able to use my own magic to help with the pain and it seemed like the extra body mass absorbed healing magic a lot better than before. When I walked things in my rear felt tight and jig-gly, I found myself bumping into things, moving sideways through doors, and running differently as I could feel that my hip ratio was now a lot wider than my shoulder width. My hands didn’t hang on their side like they usually did, they rested right on my hips or stayed at rib level. Then there were those embarrassing clap noises I could notice if I wasn’t wearing tight polyester underpants. I remember when I used to laugh at busty women that held their breasts when they ran or tape them in a certain way to keep them from moving around, but Dr Olisarra was more than happy to give me any materials I needed to help me in combat or do any touch ups so that I at least looked more naturally attractive. Me and her went to several troll spas where they pushed fat up and down, electroshocked my stomach and legs. I guess we both had a phobia that my fat mass in my rear would fall out of place like a bag of watery soup, but the trolls reassured us while I did look a little different, this type of treatment was done on other troll women that had rough birth deliveries. So, I would be running in no time. I think I liked this treatment the most and I would suggest it to any of my friends, it mostly felt great except for some minor tickling and squeezing pain. I was always covered in thick olive oil for most of my time and no dreadlocks or bones in my nose. Dr Olisarra seemed very impressed with the troll’s treatment and seemed heavily invested in learning their methods. She shook hands with almost every natal nurse and doctor, seemed to be exchanging notes, and told them it was an honor seeing them all work. “I want you to look beautiful, Perfectia.” She said when I was finally out, “If you went outside and you looked like a freak of nature it would ruin my reputation.”

So, if I had any problems with comfortability or cosmetology, she would take out body fat or inject some things that looked more natural or just use the massaging techniques she learned at the troll spa clinic. But a lot of times during check-ins I would feel like a sculpted piece of stone as she walked around touching my body looking intensely. I guess she was just admiring her own work, but that was extremely embarrassing sometimes. But I felt better, and even stronger, most of the time, but I regained some of the weight I had when I was obese but I looked completely different (115 kg). Muscle is heavier than fat Dr. Olisarra would tell me.

Sometimes she would show me pictures of skeletons, muscles, and organs, excitedly pointing and using all kinds of strange medical terms, and I would just nod my head and smile and she would then ask, “This will make you so much stronger, can I do it?”

I would just smile, shrug, and say, “Sure.”

She would look at me confused, “It will be painful, and you could die… Are you sure you heard everything?”

“I trust you.” I claimed.

I think… I need to look and copy my medical records because I still don’t understand anything she wrote or when she said it to me beforehand, but she did shave my head at one point. Which made my relationship with Isirami a little more obvious that I had taken the dominant role. Okay, let’s plagiarize my best friend’s medical writing. (The parts in parentheses are my own input on the subjects)

An intravenous drip is inserted into the subject’s arm, and a general anesthetic is administered to ease the subject into a state of unconsciousness. Once the subject had been sedated, she was transported to the Exodar where the surgical procedures were performed.

During the occipital capillary reversal, I cut out a small space in the skull, exposing the brain. I then performed a procedure to rearrange the capillaries in the occipital lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. This redistribution of blood vessels boosts the flow of blood beneath the rods and cones of the subject’s retina. Once the surgery was complete, the piece of the subject’s skull that was removed in order to access the occipital lobe is repaired, and the subject’s head is bandaged.

(Holy cow dung did I really agree to brain surgery? You would think I would be smarter. Okay back to her writing.)

When the catalytic thyroid implant insertion surgery is performed on the thyroid gland, where an incision was made to the left thyroid gland large enough for the implant to knit; once done, the incision is closed up. The growth hormone is released and progressively works its way through the body, stimulating the regeneration of damaged skeletons and dramatic growth of muscle tissue.

As this takes place, muscular enhancement injections are administered throughout the subject’s body to aid the previous procedure. The serum that I designed is a complex protein that is injected intramuscularly that targets the intracellular molecular machinery to help increase muscle strength and endurance. Increasing the density of the connective tissues and fibers making tkconnecting tendons stronger and decreasing lactate recovery time. In order for muscles to graft on the damaged skeleton and micro fractured pelvic bones I needed to override the gdf-8 protein ‘Growth differentiation factor-8’. I need the serum to contain a chemical called pholestain. A protein that acts on the muscle cells and that inhibits myostatin, a protein that keeps muscles from developing past a certain size. This will let the subject’s muscle grow past the augmented bone in the damaged pelvis and protect her in future combat encounters. However, all the subjects’ muscles will grow significantly larger and more powerful than a normal elf. Exhibiting an enlargement of the muscle fibers to a level that might be considered “unattractive”. Further cosmetic surgery might be needed depending on the subject’s needs. Will be discussed when the need arrives. These procedures are for the subject’s capability to perform feats of strength and endurance better than a ten-millennium year old demon hunter or the warchief of the Horde that injured her in the first place. The subject will be able to recover from fatigue significantly faster than even the fittest of Azeroth’s warlords. No animal test subjects have survived these procedures and I have shown the subject other failed animal tests on horses, gorillas, and one human test subject that was facing execution. All dying from cardiac arrest (pain). The subject has a high degree of “trust” in me and believes she has a high enough pain tolerance and religious faith to survive any procedure. On a personal note: the subject is my best friend, and I can’t let her die without giving her a fighting chance. On another personal note: I want her to be able to fight all the people that wronged her. However, these two procedures are only a prologue to other augmentation procedures as the subject’s body begins to alter as a result of the previous procedure. If the subject survives the changes, the final part of the augmentation will be performed.

The next procedure the subject had to be conscious as to the demands of the troll shaman I employed. The subject’s nerves, while extremely good at transmitting chemical messages, still have physical limitations due to the extra body mass. Which means that the signals have a limit to how fast they can travel from the brain to the muscle. The average nerve conduction velocity for elves is 100 to 140 meters per second depending on age. However, the subject was 60 to 80 possible due to psychological issues, fel mana dependence, mana deprivation, or drug use, brain and muscle processing was delayed when I tested the subject. Ergo this procedure must be implemented. The dendrites of the nerve cell are extensions of the nerve cells that propagate the electrical chemical signals from the neighboring cells to the cell nucleus. They are infused with a nanoparticulate superconducting material that carries these electrochemical signals significantly faster than the dendrite on its own. The superconducting material is then aligned into a fixed ultrafine fiber within the dendrite via resonant electromagnetic fields. Once these connections have been made the remaining dendrite protoplasmic material is sculpted back, reducing the overall mass of organic material in favor of the superconducting fibers, but preserving the nerve cell nucleus axons and myelin sheaths. This is made highly evident by the void between the spinal column and the skeletal spine as this error would normally be filled to capacity with the spinal column. This augmentation is performed in the entirety of the central and peripheral nervous system with the exception of the brain. On top of this augmentation a genetic and molecular level alteration is made to the oligodendrocytes and schwann cells within the nervous system. This promotes the growth of myelin sheaths over the nerves and superconducting fibers thereby insulating the neural signals and speeding up their propagation still further. The result is an estimated nerve conduction velocity increase. After alterational bio-electrical nerve transduction the subject’s nerve conduction velocity increased to 240 to 360, the subject also developed a quick wit. On a personal note: I generally tolerated the subject out of guilt and duty, but I generally enjoy her company and sense of humor. However, there’s still one more procedure.

(I didn’t understand a word of that, while she was talking about it, when she was injecting my spine with serum, and talking to the trolls that were shocking my spine over and over again to the point I felt like my spine was on fire. The quick wit might have come from a self discovery that I had been turned into a bit of a masochist during this treatment, I came several times while being shocked and injected with the muscle stimulants. Dr. Olisara was telling the shaman that it’s normal to have muscle engorgement and that to happen when the muscles grow so rapidly, like going through puberty again.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand that mumbo jumbo she just wrote or when she was saying it before. But I’m glad she generally enjoys my company.)

In my first attempts to preserve the fetus my subject carried; Velen showed me a bone grafting technique called carbide ceramic ossification. Without my knowledge he removed the growing fetus that would have clogged the subject’s lilac arteries that I closed up when the subject was first injured. However, due to my inexperience in these procedures the subject developed osteomyelitis (swelling of the bone) and the subject needed to be put into an induced coma to correct the defects. After several surgeries on the iliac fossa the subject was able to regain some mobility with crutches and painkillers. However, in my procedures on the Prince of Stormwind Anduin Wrynn I restored his entire skeleton with these techniques, and I learned that because Anduin Wrynn was still in adolescence, Velen had given him a catalytic thyroid implant that sped up his skeletal growth and recovery. As in pre and near post pubescent adolescence skeletal growth spirits would have caused irreparable bone pulverization or osteomyelitis. The subject has already survived three high risk surgeries that could have killed her or given her permanent physical defects. My confidence and burning curiosity of how much pain the subject can withstand is pushing me to try a new untested experiment. A highly skilled enchanter enhances ocean reefs that are usually subject to weapons and armor. “Enchanted Coral Ossification” I’m calling it, is performed last due to the aforementioned complications with post-grafting bone growth. This comprises exposing the skeletal structure, removing a small layer of surface bone (no more than 3% of the bone’s volume), and then bonding the shapened reef to the shell is applied to the surface bone material. This bonding is achieved through alchemical means to encourage natural bone integration and a tendency of the body to reattach the bone and coral if somehow separated. Once completed, the natural bonding of the skeleton to the enchanted coral continues to enhance the subject as it would armor and weapons, reinforcing the skeleton and giving it extremely high hardness and fracture toughness due to the enchantments. While other stabilizing and therapeutic procedures are performed.

(That I remember and it was excruciating regardless of how masochistic I thought I was, even with anesthesia it felt like my skin and bones were literally on fire. I remember waking up after that, screaming, “Put me back under! Knock me out please!” As it felt like all my bones were radiated.

And Dr Olisarra touching my face from on top of me saying, “If we give you any more anesthesia you’ll die. Just focus on the Light, it will heal you, remember?”

If there wasn’t so much healing magic to regulate my nerve fibers, I think I would have literally died from shock. But it also took a lot of breathing, motherly talking with Olisarra, and faith to push me through that whole day of pain. She stayed with me, just talking, we talked about Oranio, we talked about how this would be the last time I’ll suffer, and she told me I was her best friend. She read Twilight aloud, sang, anything to take my mind off reality. Through eight waking hours of excruciating pain, I realized the power of faith and the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of life, through love, humor, and companionship. I survived as each full body pain convulsion as they came in like ocean waves threatening and tempting me to go under the numbing submission of death. And I just refused to accept it, as peaceful as it seemed. What kept me alive was love, her love, the Light’s love.

And back to her writing.)

Once the augmentation procedures are finished, the subject begins a long recovery process. Smaller amounts of protein complex are continued to be injected intramuscularly to increase tissue density and decrease lactase recovery time. However, as I remember how coral effects swell lines of ocean waves, waves are created by massive open ocean swells and specific underwater topography that causes the ocean to morph into breaking waves and as an unexpected result the coral seems to have enhanced the subject’s blood flow, nerve signals, and immune system. I’m glad I followed my intuition and added the coral to all 20 major bones excluding the skull and jaw. However, the healing process still takes anywhere from weeks to months, depending upon the subject’s rate of recovery. Every day the subject will perform stretches, isometric exercises, selected weight training, light sparring drills, and consume five high-protein meals. After each meal, the subject must report to the medical clinic to receive a series of vitamins and enchanted injections depending on the subject vitals.


I remember that one time I woke up on the Exodar but when I came back, I was back in Dalaran in her clinic. Most of the cosmetic work was done in Karazhan and I stayed mostly conscious through most of the procedures. When I walked outside the clinic, I felt somewhat ashamed by the people passing by as they looked at me and laughed. Dr Olisarra said not to worry about that, “You look absolutely stunning, they’re just jealous. Also, you can probably kick their --.”

I was stronger. A lot stronger than I ever thought I could be, to a point where my body was faster than my reflexes and I would break things like cups and dishes from the slightest touch. I would fall over sometimes, exaggerated movements if I was caught off guard, difficulty grabbing and holding things. I usually had throbbing muscles where I needed ice baths, days of constant headaches a week and a few days after my cycle, and aching bones to the point I needed to constantly heal myself to remain functional.

But on a better note I almost completely forgot what the term “too heavy” means. Maces became my go to weapon on Draenor and if I was wearing steel gloves I could tire through rock while mining fairly easily. My skin hasn’t or hadn’t gotten any denser, so I still feel pressure and pain if something cuts or bruises it, but most of the side effects went away or I just got used to it.

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So who is the father of Perfectia’s child?

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His name was Oranio and that is a chapter with a LOT of smut. Because SPOILER ALERT babies aren’t made by getting married and praying really hard, as Blizzard would like you to believe that.

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Heresy! My mom said that’s how I was made! Everyone knows babies come from praying really hard and saying no to drugs! (lol. I’m sorry.)

Fun read too!

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Actually they’d prefer to avoid the subject, period.


That statement confuses my understanding that if you are in support of romance and intimacy or against it.

My statement:

Says Blizzard thinks we’re children that still believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and storks delivering babies.


Shut up, because no one likes you because your writing sounds like 4 generations of inbred monologues.

Or maybe I’m just reading to much into this.

Perfectia, keep in mind that Blizzard is a public company.

More importantly this game has a particular rating. The company has chosen to avoid even fade to black scenes, ie even the implication of sex, beyond the existence of children. That’s all Drahliana is saying.

Yes, Drahliana is blunt and can come off as abrasive, but that’s just their personality not the value of their statements.

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You upvote and condemm the same post. Mixed Messages Much? Since I’m not even close to writing my first million words, I KNOW my writing is crap. I have no illusions about it. As for your last piece, I got terminally bored about augmentation techniques that sound like they belong more in a Mechagnome parody story that I didn’t finish it. If I wanted that kind of stuff I’d rewatch Star Trek:TNG.

Blizzard knows that parents are buying subs for kids that are a bit younger than the “Mature” rating suggests. And Mature limits you a fair amount for that rating.

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It was a joke in the effort to poke fun at myself. I’m sorry if I offended you. I value you opinion and you’re feelings are valid.

They were suppose to sound technical so the reader would have a understanding what it was like to talk to Dr. Ollisara. When she says:

Then the reader reads the medical records and goes, “OOOOHHHH, yeah. I don’t understand what she’s talking about either.” It was a ditch effort to try to confuse the reader with sci-fi talk.

Glad you took that away from it.

I’m not fond of it in live action TV shows but it’s even more problematic in written work because you have to work harder especially with very large text blocks with no separation.

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