Ok. First of all calm down. Yes, Vienel was needlessly aggressive, but that does not justify the same behavior in return.
Secondly you can not use your own assumption as proof of your statement. Its a logical falacy. Saying they dont know what ‘Mary Sue’ is, and then injecting your own definition is what I am talking about.
Thirdly, Perfectia possesses many, many, many traits of a Mary Sue character. (And no it has nothing to do with any sort of women’s movement. The male version of a Mary Sue is a Gary Stu. Gender is not part of it.)
According to TV Tropes (which they do not claim to define what a ‘Mary Sue’ is, just give the most popular examples. I would link, but I’m blocked >.>), Perfectia hits on ‘cool/exotic name’, ‘skills rare or non-existent in the canon setting’ (summoning a spectral Ashbringing and possessing part of the soul of a canonical legend), ‘especially close relationship with a main canonical character’ (love interest of Anduin), and ‘lacks and realistic, or at least story-relevant character flaws or if so, those flaws are meant to be endearing’. Perfectia hits on a lot more, those are just a few I grabbed from the list.