Perenolde Alliance Reconnections

When did Phun leave? Post TBC?

I can’t even remember

Ata I remember raiding with you and Matomon the Boomkin
Hailes- Prot Warrior
WestCoastRaiders, Unguilded, CowboysFrom Hell,

I shall have kurd pop on here. he still plays. :slight_smile: He’s on a different server now. I can’t remember the name.

yeah, I remember saying goodbye to him. I was a bit sad. :frowning:

Scottyrica… something about Nefarian, peas and oranges in Incursion ventrilo chat.


Skrymsli NE Druid
Guilds: Incursion, Dragon Gate Inn
Names I remember:
Kuzik, Marteen, Noctris, Berialus, Snaggletooth, Snagglette, Julietz, Fanmercon, Ungoliant, Ciarius, Squishee, Lokotan, Vesaror, Onuris/Battlemaster, Mehit, Articuno, Binlong, Daruul, Icelyndale, Slamson, Libertine, Scottyrica, Eldhammar, Quemarte, Shazzer, Adaria…

Radio - Human Paladin
Aluera - Human Mage

Guilds - Shock N Awe Elite, Phoenix, Undisputed

People - Most of what Swiftness has already said.

Hi, Belakor! Fishybob directed me to this thread. As he said in his post, a few of us are going to get together on the Fairbanks server. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to stick with it (or even if I want to) but the chance to talk to people I haven’t spoken to in years - especially people I like - is very tempting. Hope you’re doing well and can join us on Fairbanks!

Edit: lol Forgot to do what the OP wanted:

Wesker - human Warlock
At Death’s Door
Any and all old friends and acquaintances.

I never appreciated the reference to that guild name when I played WoW. But I always remembered it for some reason. Got around to reading Malazan Book of the Fallen and it’s hands down my favorite book series ever. I don’t know if it was meaningful to many in the guild but it’s worth it to know your heritage ;).

Also…read the books -.-

Hey Bum, long time :stuck_out_tongue: You going to play? If so where ya going?

ya know, Deleter…You always were an uncultured and too good for your own good noob… >.>

I only sucked at DPS so you’d look better…



Kathorgan dwarf pally; Kathclaws druid, Tallie gnome rogue, Geofry dwarf hunter etc…
Ninja’s & Pirates, Battle Ragers, Zero Dark Thirty
Gonna roll with Kathclaws druid again in classic

Looking for old guildies that were in Hopeless Addiction

Holypala - Human paladin

Achiliess - NE war

bruh its Clangeddin dwarf pally. Pretty sure we raided quite a bit back then lol. It’s nice to see I recognize at least one name in here. My IRL friends are gonna play horde on whitemane but I will probably look out to see where most of perenolde players are going and make another clang just for old times sake. XD I’m sure duceman will be playing just not sure on what server.

I pretty much just strictly played Clangeddin my Dwarf Paladin, at least on perenolde in vanilla. I don’t remember a lot of the people I played with but just looking at this thread I do remember spending quite a bit of time raiding with Shadowmaw assassins, nefarious souls, knight of valor(i think?), fate, and few others I’m sure but it has been a long time. If you remember me say hi! lol

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I remember your name, tho we didn’t interact, I don’t think…

Good to see some old 'nilla players around

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@Lilnate Nature! It’s been a while man.

@Raitai I remember Uss lol.

@Fishybob o.O. What a list man, what a list.

@ Wesker It really has been years…we’ll all have to get on discord or something soon and catch up.

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@Wesker if you see this, add my battle ID, Frayed#11377

still here where is noo

Few names here I remember…