Perenolde Alliance Reconnections

Man, I idolized you back in the day lol. The only reason I started playing a warlock was because I remember seeing you running around IF with your T3.

Any plans on coming back for Classic? if so, you got a guild? We could use another lock.

Alukabat nelf protectuon warrior. Used to raid with fight club and one of the guilds it turned into after a split.

People i recall:


Mengmeng yas? HolyGrail - SoA - GSF now.

Played as Night Elf rogue, named Cerano, with the guild Iron Dragons.

Holy priest
Sleeper Cartel

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I was in TEC as well. Played as Gilic NE Druid.

On top of everyone you mentioned I also remember:

Jazune - human priest
Evilmoo - gnome warlock
Thelody - NE rogue
Fandor - MT, NE warrior


First (and still main): NE hunter named Bloodsong.

The first person who truly helped me when I had no idea what I was doing was named Vancor, I think. NE rogue? It was my first MMO and he really helped me out. Haven’t talked to him since Vanilla. I think I eventually joined his guild (Royal Jesters, maybe?) that then broke up to become Moon Unit Zappa in BC.

Also a human mage named Ramina, but I don’t remember when I made that toon.

First Main- NE Hunter named Starlin
Second main- NE Priest named Chandelier

I played with my Hubby who was a Gnome mage named Tub and his Rogue Cellborne.

We were in Dark Heroes
I’m bad with names so I can’t remember any off the top of my head other than Sweets.

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Has - Human Mage - Order of the Black Rose

Names that i remember
Litledude - warrior
Hasmat - warlock
Thelancelot - pally
Darkace - noob warrior

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I used play Vanilla on this server Lvl 60 Shaman - Decayed. ahhh good old days horde vs alliance

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this is actually a bit scary. lol

Still play the hunter.
Was in Dark Ambitions, went to MuZ after that. now on a different server.
Dez was the Gm.


Thel sorta plays, not sure about his brother. Vink no longer plays. Ben still plays. all are scattered around. I only see thel once in a blue moon log on. still have a few of the old guild as friends. most have long since stopped playing.


Nah, been asked a lot but I can’t touch WoW in a casual capacity haha. I got linked this thread by a friend and I remember ALMOST every name here. Much <3 to the Judgement crew, Frat, Phase Two, KIWF, and Subpar peoples. Glad to see the noodle still lives on :smiley:


Adram , Human warrior
Dark heroes,

Like Brady/shadric said earlier alot of us have reconnected and started to make plans. I remember you Star and so Does sweets ! Id def like to here from Nekrosh again and lucifina ! I left the noodle right about a month prior to wrath being released. Raided with The exiled on rexxar and then stopped all together when Ulduar released. Totally pumped for classic .

EALARA definitely remember the hunter fam! I have a hunter too still I just play horde tho, I don’t have the original account with Kelvin. I figured most people had xfered around whether it be server or factions.

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Originally was in Druids of the Thorn [with Wyndrel, Saricia and the one who shalln’t be named …]

2004-2006 Largely hung out with the

  • “kitsrun” gang (Kitiara, Avienda, Dinashros from RBS)
  • Blade Dancers [Talimar, Anderex/Varlex, Dicentra]
  • Pog Mo Thoin [Archer, Darionsmite, Cubanpete, Artie, Autumnsong, Llyr, Rhadamanthus, Moonglow, Lorine, Ectillon]
  • GSF [Talies, Liand, Kaelissa]
  • Obsidian Overlords [Brabeann, Stroh]
  • Lawn Pirates [Hump, Meloku, Lighthammer, Hailie, Fehu]
  • the “unguilded” [Lunkhedd, Elysse]

A long time alt is Sorca.

I remember initial forays into UBRS with the Dark Aces…


Name: Ssizzlechest
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: Dark Heroes

What up Brady, add me to the list !

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Name: Emong
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Polish Sharpshooters was renamed to Sharpshooters. Was apart of SGA. Raided with a bunch of people through that. Old guild mates Abernathy, Scurvebeard, Oleg, Pakayna.
Currently trying to remember some of the people I raided with lol

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my bnet is butcher91 #11366 feel free to add me, we can link up for classic if youre going to be playing!

Pretty sure I was in Royal Jesters for a fair bit! <3’s

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