Perenolde Alliance Reconnections

Ermergard! You live! :slight_smile:

Onder (Human Mage)

Easy as Pi
Just a Flesh Wound

I don’t play much anymore but do hop on from time to time. I still have that mage on Perenolde, but renamed him to Arcond. Planning on playing classic as Horde on Atiesh.


Kurdran - Dwarf Hunter; boy, I remember those days.

Anyone remember Jcdwarrior? Our MT for a good part of our MC and BWL raids back then

My Bnet is Kurdran#1877

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Oh yes I totally remember you. Hard to forget a fellow pally in the guild.

Chiefster - Paladin

Rolled with “kitsrun” - Frankenraid

o/ Sorca - Those names bring back a lot of memories - Where you at Jang?

Yeah that noob and his beautiful wife are guilded with me. Lol

We are going horde on Herod.

MINE! Mine? Don’t mind if I do!

yo until he gets his account set up, Zdoc (60 Human Holy Priest) said Hello!

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Zdoc (60 Human Holy Priest) said Hello!
@ all others I missed for him

whats up Kale! Moonbladez (59 NE Druid) haven’t seen anyone in the guild for years, how are things!

What’s his plans for Classic?


Ecstacia here… Me and Locheia are going to play but not sure which faction or class yet. Any idea if Phall is going to play?

hell ya I remember a lot of the folks. I was pretty young then but I still went hard. good to see yall are still around

Hey Onder, I was in both of those guilds with you! Don’t know if you remember me but I was a Nelf Rogue named Briant or Human Paladin named Darnad. I also plan to play Horde on Atiesh if you wanna link up add my btag #Sturz1672

I don’t think a lot saw this one…heh

I think I came in after you had left, but I know the favorite saying from everyone was Blame Chief!

Those who remember me (fondly, hopefully) or my multiple alts from my early guild Ad Vitam Æternum or from Moon Unit Zappa later on, I will be rolling horde on Atiesh.

Davinfelth Dwarf Paladin
Guild: Masters of Mithril, a crazy dwarf guild and Molton Core raiders, Gate and Olotherdo were the charter Guild Leaders, the guild raided up through WoLK. I remeber crashing at the gates of AQ. I was doing to try some classic, not really settled on a server though

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here was my main, didn’t realize my bank toon would post