Perdition's Blade proc rate

Does anyone know what it is? Is it really that much better then Dragonfang Blade which has base stats that are always there? I don’t have Perd, so I can’t personally compare it to DFB which I do have.

ya its good

perditions blade is best in slot for EVA
no… probably not literally ever, but im sure its semi best in slot forever.

I’m looking for actual data please.

As alliance rogue with zg buff + kings dfb is about comparable to perds, its about a 1 dps upgrade in good bwl gear, losing the buffs makes perds better

In our alt ZG Perdition’s proc’d 117 times over the run and did 0.57% of my total damage. The proc is not what makes Perdition’s good.

Its even worse in BWL/MC because its fire damage, the proc is basically useless


Also this.

like 1 DPS man, maybe 2 DPS, total. Its really weak. Second ill pull it up.
Been tracking it for a while now, this is from recount over the last few weeks.

Melee attacks 49130 Main hand 1.8 offhand 1.3 (you do the math on that)
Backstabs 5826
Ambushes 330
Sinister Strikes 543
Gouges 1092
Total attacks: You do the math because you gotta eliminate the ofhand swings.
Firebolt procs 2469 <<<<< Perd, main hand only.

Assuming no clipped autos then you have an 8.7% proc chance or roughly 2.89 ppm.

yeah its not really all that good. The dagger is excellent, great top end damage, but the proc is kinda bad. I would rather it have had actual stats than the dumb proc.

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Yeah, I think I’ll just keep Dragonfang. I REALLY need to get Core Hound Tooth for OH though. Right now I’m using Gutgore Ripper for OH and it NEVER procs. :frowning:

Dragon fang is like only a couple damage down top end, and sims higher than Perd if you dont do world buffs.

So keep that in mind. in PVP I would rather have drake fang and actually will likely pick one up next run that drops on for PVP because the stats are just better for PVP.

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Yeah, so far my guild has only seen 1 DFB drop, mine. Other rogues and even warriors were jealous for sure when I won the DKP bid.

I have passed on 2 of them so other rogues could get a dagger for PVP, but last time one dropped none of the rogues bid and a warrior got it… /puke, so now no more mr nice guy. I have DKP to burn, not like DFT is gonna freaking drop, we have had ONE since BWL opened.

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Yeah, we’ve had only 1 DFT drop as well.

Surprisingly, Fight Club doesn’t have the proc rate on this, despite it being a popular MT weapon.

If you’ve already gotten Dragonfang Blade you might as well stick with that until every other rogue already has it or Perdition’s Blade, otherwise it’s wasted to take it at this point.

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Feel free to add this to your data, I have been tracking it for a few weeks, I will conclude my testing when backstabs = 10K

The above data is a combination of world gold farm grinding, molten core, blackwing lair, ZG and some world pvp and only a hand full of battlegrounds.

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I appreciate it, though I am not a part of those that simulate the data for procs. I’m just a lurker. :>

According to roguecraft the best danger set are in that order: perd with CHT, DfB with CHT and last perd with DfB. But there is only a 2 dps difference between the top and last option. So pick any 2 of these 3 and you re set

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