Per-account Self-Found

I did the 1-60 journey as self found and I would have liked it a lot more if I could have maxed out a profession that requires other professions. I looked into it and I would have had to swap through several different professions to get the profession tool.

It would be kinda neat if a person could send mail to their other self-found characters. Do other people disagree? is doing 5 different professions to level up one something that is fun?

Good news, you can already do that! Just disable the self found setting on the respective character.

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I wouldn’t really know, I don’t do self-found and have like, 3 or 4 leatherworkers and one engineer rofl

If you would like self-imposed rules, feel free to use them. Please, do not try to change current standing rules. Thank you. You’re 100% free to use a normal hardcore character, and use self found rules on them, with the exception of the trade for profession mats. YOU will know that you didn’t break the rules. But, you won’t get the glory of having others know. But, the OPTION is there!


Nobody cares at all if you do Self Found, you’re the only one it matters to, so just drop the flag, and make your own rules. You can even download TRP3 and give yourself a back story and draft out the rules you play by on it so others with TRP3 can see what you’re doing. It will even let you add titles.


Could you explain what TRP3 is? I’m probably not going to use it, but it’d be nice to know for future reference to reference for people who may be interested in it.

TRP is the add-on “total RP 3” its the roll play add-on, basically it adds a bunch of functionality that allows you to create back stories for your characters, or even change their names, add a last name, or a title where anyone with the add-on will see it.

Obviously for many people here, their characters main theme would be stuck in a time loop where they die over and over, only to start anew :slight_smile:

I’m not. It’s an idea. Perhaps it could be its own separate mode. I know I’m not the only person that wants this.

Trying to shove your opinions down someone else’s throat does not convince the person, it just makes them have an unfavorable opinion of you.

I seriously doubt the people commenting here have played to 60 on a self-found character. As someone who has, it is pretty boring. Swapping professions to make stuff is tedious, and not at all a challenge. It’s just time-consuming.

It would be nice to have a buff-system for different modes of HC.
SF has it, why not SSF, IronMan, group Irons, Group SSF, No pet Hunters, … there’s loads of intereting challenges to try out. And if they made it pick and mix so much the better.

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You’re a rando. Your thoughts of me are irrelivant.

When I get more than 1 dungeon per day, pre 60, then you’re allowed your bad ideas.

This is a public forum. While you are anonymous, you obviously leave a trail of negativity judging by your comments. That says a lot about you that you don’t care.

You add nothing compelling to the discussion. You should leave and let the adults talk